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The Veldfolk, called more commonly just 'The Veld', The People of the North or the People of the Veld, are the humans that populate the majority of the Northern lands. Renowned as hearty people of powerful passion, they have a reputation as Warriors, Raiders, Poets and Traders. While to the Southern peoples the stock image of a Veldfolk is of a towering Brute with a braided beard ready to burn and pillage, the actual Veldfolk run the gamet from Farmers, Craftsfolk, Fisherfolk, to of course Warriors. The Veldfolk pride themselves on strength in the face of hardship. On surviving where others might parish.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Edda, Folkvi, Gisla, Hallthor, Herfridr, Holma, Hrefna, Ingifridr, Jore, Mjoll, Oddleif, Olrun, Rakel, Rota, Svanhildr, Sveina, Huna, Vedis, Veny, Thora, Asta, Astrid, Adhild, Brenda, Dagmar, Dusty, Eira, Freja, Gerd, Gull, Hege, Helbe, Sigri, Siri

Masculine names

Abjorn, Afvaldr, Aggi, Admundr, Beli, Bildr, Bjorni, Bleiker, Brunr, Dagr, Danr, Drengi, Eilfir, Einarr, Eyjarr, Farbjorn, Frothi, Falmr, Falinn, Gaukr, Gismundr, Haver, Hakon, Hvatr, Olin, Sten, Stigr, Thormund, Torbjorn, Trygve, Ulf, Vidar

Family names

The Veldfolk have a Patronymic and Matronymic naming convention; Men are typically [Name of the Father]son, and Women [Name of their Mother]dotter. There are exceptions to this rule, but they are rare and notable when they occur. Clerics, for example, often take their Gods name, and Thralls are sometimes given the name of their masters.

Other names

Nicknames are very common, especially for those who have garnered great deads.  Indeed, anyone who achieved something of some renown is likely to gain a nickname from the Skalds without their intervention.


Major language groups and dialects

Shared customary codes and values

Veneration for the Gods, and general principals of Glory and Honour hold among nearly all the Veldfolk.  A Man's destiny, his Wyrd, is thought to be written before he is born, to be like a river on which he is swept along, but it is said you can choose to swim with it, or against it.  Swimming with it is sad to bring Dignity, Honour and Glory.  Keeping your Word is of importance, as is a respect for family, and the bonds of family.  Veldfolk also pride themselves on Survival and a refusal to follow the weak.  Tradition is never an excuse for following a weak leader.

Common Dress code

Men favour thick trousers and tunics, often with a belt and cloak.  Hats and Hoods are also common.  Women tend to wear layered dresses, along with aprons, though those of a more martial bend may adopt some aspects of Male clothing.  Men and Women both favour jewelry, especially arm-rings, which are often given as symbols of fealty.

Art & Architecture

The Long Hall is the central architectural form, built as a long building around a central 'spine' often with opening in the roof to allow smoke to escape.  High Rafters join together in inverted arches like the ribs of a whale.  Wood is the principal building material, though some weatlhy lords may build their wooden Halls atop foundations of stone, and some have adopted area's left behind by Dwarves or Giants as foundations for their Halls.  Thatch for roofing is also common, as is Wattle and Draub.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Prayers to Freya and a ritual drum-chant are traditional during a birth, viewed as akin to battle. After a child is born, it must be recognised by the head of the household nine-days after birth. It is anointed with holy water and given a name at this time.

Coming of Age Rites

Gaining an Arm ring is the mark of Adulthood within the Veld.  Usually it is gifted upon a young person around their Thirteenth birthday, usually by the local Jarl .  It is considered a token of loyalty, but also the symbol of there entrance in the world of adult responsibilities and rights within the community.  They are now able to offer witness at Trial, to be recognized to speak in sessions at Grand Halls, and make their own decisions.

Funerary and Memorial customs

The Dead are garbed in Grave Goods customary to their station. Thralls are usually buried in a hole, given some mead so as to not haunt their masters. Freemen are given a sword and oar. Those tools they used in life are also often used as grave-goods.   The Wealthy usually have more corresponding Grave Goods, and all are inturned in large burial mounds. The People of the Northern Veld tend to cover these mounds with stone monoliths.


Beauty Ideals

Veldfolk tend to hold the gods as Ideals of Beauty, and thus prize Strength, Size and Virility.  Physical stature and large builds are favoured for both men and women, with muscle, unblemished skin, and full, rich heads of hair seen as marks of health.  Men tend towards long bears and mustaches, often well kept, sometimes oiled and sometimes braided with beeds.  Womens' hair is more commonly beaded and/or braided, and long hair is favoured in both men and women, though longer hair is a special mark of Beauty among women, in immitation of the goddess Sif .
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