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King is a rank claimed by many, but with no clear sense as to its position.  Historically only those nobles with a claim over other nobles and able to rally many to their banner have taken the title.  Many consider it a title that bespokes a hold over the entirety of a people.    History has diluted it's power ; as many men, holding but a single town with a few dozen warriors will crown themselves.  The Church of the White Ash  holds to itself the right to affirm who is king, but then again in the North, Veldfolk  hold that only one who aligns all the Jarl's beneath them may be king by vote of the Jarls and their warriors.   The Southern Kingdoms have several kings it is noted, but they range from kings in name only to the Great Stone King, whom is perhaps the only man everyone would agree on deserves the title.
Nobility, Hereditary
Form of Address
Your Highness
Length of Term


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