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Southern Kingdoms

The Southern Kingdoms are a collective name given by the Veldfolk to those kingdoms directly south of the Veld, and yet north of the remnants of the Southern Empire .     Some are direct descendants of Satraps to that ancient empire, but most others have grown up from the so called 'Barbarians' that occupied those lands in times past.  To the Veldfolk, it is said these southern folk use to be of the Veld, but were seduced, either by the promise of Gold, or of Strange Magics or Foreign Gods.  Whatever the case the Southern Kingdoms turned away from the proper worship of the Gods, to other cults.   Namely the Church of the White Ash .   This Church has spread through all the Kingdoms of the South, and its priests, its monks, and its various servants cover the land.   In Truth, most of the Southern Kingdoms barely deserve the name.  The 'Kings' governing perhaps a single city, some-times not even that.  There are Dukes aplenty as well, and each man eyes a crown and a claim to greater position.   Veldfolk view the people of the South as weak, decadent and easily lead.  Useful as Thralls, but rarely more.   There is one of the Southern Kings who stands out however.  The Stone-King raised to his position with the support of the Church, but it is said that now even the church fears him.  He has built a great city with the help of nomadic Dwarves, and indeed built within his city a quarter to house them.  It is said that he governs more as a partner with the Church than a servant.  His men are considered the only Southerner worthy of the title 'Warrior' by those of the North, and there is much talk of his prowess in battle.   It is said he seeks to raise his banner across the south, to unite many of the southern kingdoms.  It is perhaps only a matter of time before he comes to conflict with the Veldfolk.
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