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OSAD Session 7 - The Nethermost

General Summary

The party is chased further by The Faceless Men. A couple of horses belonging to the party are killed in the chase, but after a clash in the nearby woodland, the party emerges victorious.   The party discovers the hooded men are undead and that some of them have glowing blue worms attached to them. Lor removes one of the men's masks and keeps it.   The party reaches The Spine and begins to explore. They gather some supplies and information and meet Murras Deepforge, the cousin of Ferrus Deepforge, the head of House Deepforge.   He points them in the direction of his cousin, who the party meets with his hold. Ferrus is a drunk and is persuaded to let the party in The Nethermost in return for a possible foursome.   The party bare witness to The Nethermost's contents: a green dragon and a sorcerer trapped behind magical barriers produced by a crystal.   Ali talks with the green dragon, who asks to be freed from her prison, in exchange for her granting Ali a favor. Aimee speaks with the sorcerer, who lies about his name, before revealing he has been putting on a front for Ferrus' entertainment. He is named Roland Rae.   The party discuss a plan and free both of them after they have knocked Ferrus unconscious.


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