
Amberhold is a village in southwestern Arduli. It is located near Castle Akthos on the border. It is well known for the adventurer’s guild that is situated in a Kingdom of Khidiana-era dungeon.  

Government and Defences

Amberhold is politically and militarily managed by the forces of Castle Akthos. A single allagion guards the town, with the allagia of Castle Akthos guarding the town in shifts. Asteramlioi do not guard the town, as Exarch Phelaia Hedayati felt it unnecessary. A wooden wall surrounds the settlement.  


Since the creation of The Amberhold Adventurer’s Guild, Amberhold has become a noted rest stop among adventurers and explorers. This position only grew with the proclamation of the Qamenkas Dungeoneering Society.  


Amberhold is located in southwestern Arduli, within East Khidiana and the Exarchate of Akthos. It is along Melantho's Pass, and is four miles northeast of Castle Akthos. The dungeon the town was named for was revealed by a landslide caused by an earthquake. As such, Amberhold looks as if it is nestled within a shelf in the nearby mountain face. Landmarks in Amberhold include:
  • The Amberhold Adventurer’s Guild - the town’s most famous landmark, the Amberhold Adventurer’s Guild was formerly a dungeon known as the Amberhold. Many adventurers tried their hand at the dungeon, but it was eventually conquered and cleared in 1300s MT by a group known as the Honoured Hooligans. One of their members, the male Lizardfolk Ralish, set the guild up within the walls of the dungeon. The elderly Ralish still leads the guild. In the guildhall, adventurer’s can find quests and contracts, gear meant for travelling and dungeoneering the nearby desert, forests, and mountains, and training sessions. The guild also includes an expansive inn and tavern, managed by the female Kutori goblin Lushal. Since the establishment of the Qamenkas Dungeoneering Society, the Amberhold Adventurer’s Guild has acted as an independent branch under the Society’s jurisdiction.
  • The Limping Butcher - a tavern and inn used by locals and travelling merchants. It is run by the female Gachikki Gnome Ankezan Ven. Whenever adventurers use her establishment, she points them in the direction of the Adventurer’s Guild.
  • Nightstar Stable and Wagonworks - a duo stable and wagonmaker run by the wary male Khiravi  Tiefling Thyrai Psellus and the female Arboreal Ironwood. Thyrai meticulously crafts his wagons and caravans, while Ironwood takes care of the animals.
  • Sayeira’s Smithy - a smithy run by the female Anwyn Elf Sayeira Koravara. She is not as used to crafting weapons and armor, but she tries to learn the trade in order to appeal to all the adventurers that come to Amberhold.
  • The Amaranthine Altar - a Niranist chapel dedicated to Hadyanos, overseen by the agender Khiravi tiefling Presbyter Mystery Askari. Despite the efforts of the Niranist Inquisition many years ago, most of Amberhold’s religious residents are Congregationalists. As such, the Amaranthine Altar is mostly attended by soldiers from Castle Akthos.
  • The Thunderhall - made from a half-buried Khidianan building, the Thunderhall is a Congregationalist temple to Goum. It is attended to by the male Njaronse Dwarf priest Father Taklinn Tenkogart.


Amberhold’s modern origins began in 1239 MT, when an earthquake caused by the red dragon Uxingier collapsed a part of the mountain face, revealing the dungeon known as the Amberhold. Seeing the still-standing buildings next to the vault doors, the recently-displaced residents of the settlement around Castle Akthos decided to settle here.   Since Amberhold’s founding, adventurers tried their luck at the dungeon located within the town. However, it wasn’t until 1300 MT that the dungeon was cleared by an adventuring party known as the Honourable Hooligans. One of the party’s members, the lizardfolk Ralish, decided to settle in Amberhold, and converted the dungeon into the base of his newly-established Amberhold Adventurer’s Guild.   The guild quickly became popular amongst adventurers, and those wanting to become ones. When Shah Jezebeth  established the Qamenkas Dungeoneering Society, the Amberhold Adventurer’s Guild became an independent branch under the Society’s jurisdiction.
Founding Date
1239 MT
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Yurii Nikolaiko
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