Citadel Nithza

Citadel Nithza is a border fortress in Arduli. It is one of the Four Forts on the Arduli-Qamenkas border. The town adjacent to the northeast, Nithza, is named after it.


Citadel Nithza is led by the female Aarakocra Exarch Qhalleck E-Salis, the head of the House of Salis. She ascended to the exarchate at the age of 25, in 1346 MT.   There are nine allagia of the Dicarian Legions defending the citadel and the nearby town. Many of their ranks actually belong to the aarakocra of the House of Salis. As well, Citadel Nithza is equipped with an assortment of ballista and trebuchets. Most of these defences are to defend against the dragon Uxingier.   Citadel Nithza is encircled by a moat, as well as an inner and outer wall.


Citadel Nithza, then known as Fort Nithza, was first constructed sometime around the Tyfilian Magocracy. It was slowly abandoned when Tyfilion's expanding borders made its occupation ineffective.   After that time, the dilapidated fort was occupied by the Salis tribe of Aarakocra. For most of their history, the Salis tribe were left to their own devices. However, during the Algenos War, Zarmenos the Avaricious attempted to take the citadel from the aarakocra there, but had to retreat well the revolutionaries caught up to his position. After the founding of Arduli, Zhalita offered to make the members of the tribe part of the nobility, ruling over the fortress, if they would swear fealty to her and her nation. They agreed, and the Salis tribe became the House of Salis.   Beginning around 1213 MT, a town formed near Fort Nithza, supporting itself through logging the nearby Staurakius Woods. This town took its name after the fort - Nithza. When the town grew to a sufficient enough size, Shah Nija I rechristened it Citadel Nithza.
Founding Date
Sometime during the era of the Tyfilian Magocracy
Alternative Names
Fort Nithza (formerly)
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Yurii Nikolaiko