Fort Casxire

Fort Casxire is a fortress in Arduli. It is one of the Four Forts on the Arduli-Qamenkas border, and exists within the Praetorate of Alvakon. Extending from the fort is a wall that covers the entrance of the canyon Fort Casxire is in. Most of the inhabitants are members of the Dicarian Legions and their families.  

Government and Defences

The commander of Fort Casxire is the Khiravi tiefling Exarch Ambition Voporix. A warrior of some fame, Ambition was adrogated into the House of Tarazou, making him a Caestus. He inherited the position early into the year of 1365 MT, after the previous exarch, the tiefling Exarch Akmus Lascari, retired.   A wall is built across the canyon that Fort Casxire rests in, which the fort is built into. In addition, two towers, known as the Turrets of the Crags, are built on the cliffs flanking the fort.   Fort Casxire holds six allagia of the Dicarian Legions. As well, it is equipped with gyratable ballista and trebuchets on the canyon barrier.  


There is little commerce in Fort Casxire. Travelling merchants and local villagers will sometimes peddle their wares in the Kurkua Bastion when it is not in use by the local garrison. The items for sale in this temporary market are usually related to surviving in Qamenkas.  


Fort Casxire is situated at the end of Pemadar Canyon, on the Arduli-Qamenkas border. A wall, sometimes referred to as the Casxire Barrier, is constructed across the bottom of the canyon. Both the Fort Forts and Pemadar Dynastic Roads run through Fort Casxire.  


There are two primary “areas” of Fort Casxire: the fort proper, and Kurkua Bastion. As well, there are structures outside of the fort’s area, while still being in its sphere of influence.  

The Fort

Fort Casxire itself is built primarily for the defense of the border, and to house the soldiers of the Dicarian Legions. Landmarks in the fort include:
  • Aegis Chapel - a Niranist chapel dedicated to Zhalita. The elderly Tabaxi Storm on the Horizon acts as presbyter. Because of his age, many of the Divine Services are quite short.
  • The Obsidian Altar - when a tiny portion of the wall inside the keep collapsed in 1348 MT, it revealed a secret room containing a shrine to the gods of the Torunuch Dogma. The previous exarch, Exarch Akmus Lascari, decided to leave it alone. The shrine is very well maintained, suggesting that someone is still attending to it.

Kurkua Bastion

Aside from the fort proper, there is a smaller recently-built keep in the area of Casxire known as Kurkua Bastion. Kurkua Bastion doubles as a training ground for the soldiers of Fort Casxire, and a marketplace and rest stop for travellers that is disconnected from the fort. Landmarks within Kurkua Bastion include:
  • The Sally Port - a small, two-floor inn and tavern within the walls of the bastion. It is run by the harpy Sally, who took over from her adoptive father, the Anua elf Vanauth Aldanthrial, after he left.

Outside Casxire

There are a few buildings within Fort Casxire’s influence without being in the proximity to the fort. These include:
  • Casxire Stable - a stable on the Ardulese side of Casxire that provides horse, camels, ponies, donkeys, and other mounts. Salemon Murat, the tiefling that runs the stable, named it such because he thought it would sound more “official” to attract business.
  • Turrets of the Crags - two adjacent towers on the mountains that flank Fort Casxire. The turrets keep watch for incoming threats that the fort would be unable to see. The two turrets are often referred to as “Westcrag” and “Eastcrag”, based on their positioning relative to the fort.


Fort Casxire’s construction was ordered by Zhalita in order to defend Arduli's recently established borders. Its construction was completed in 1118 MT, and command of the fort was given over to the Ysen human Lajiang Ye Yun. A veteran of the Algenos War, she sometimes went by the Ardulized name Exarch Yevun Lascari, and went on to found the noble House of Lascari.   In 1232 MT, Fort Casxire was attacked by the red dragon Uxingier, killing many stationed there and nearly destroying the fort entirely. After it was deemed safe to do so, the fort was reconstructed. The Turrets of the Crag were also built at this time, in an effort to prevent future surprise attacks.   At the beginning of the Aquamarine War, Shah Amara I ordered the construction of the Casxire Barrier in order to be more prepared for an attack by the Tavanuan Khaganate. However, in the duration of the war, no such attack ever came.   During the construction of the Four Forts road by Shah Beleth I, the Shah approved Exarch Akmus Lascari’s request to construct the Kurkua Bastion.   Early in the year of 1365 MT, Exarch Akmus Lascari retired. Having no offspring and indifferent to the selection of his successor, the House of Tarazou chose to replace him with Exarch Ambition Voporix, one of their Caestoi.
Founding Date
1118 MT
Alternative Names
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Yurii Nikolaiko
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