
Ioun, also known as Istus, Oghma, Othea, and Rao, and known by the title of the Knowing Mistress, is the goddess of knowledge, magic, learning, writing, runes, disabilities, and the third moon, Ioun. She was once the lover of Boccob. During the Firstborn Era, she tore out her right eye in order to gain knowledge of writing. She was badly injured by Vecna during the Dawn War, and became the third moon of Crith. The month of Inair was named after her.  


Ioun is depicted as an elderly, dark-skinned woman with vitiligo. She has long, wavy white hair, and has purple eyes. She wears long, purple robes. She is missing her right eye.  


Ioun was a fervent goddess, always in pursuit of knowledge. Her injury, however, caused her to gain a more lax and melancholy attitude than the passion she had before.  


See Vecna, The Firstborn, Boccob   Ioun was born as one of the Firstborn Divinities to Soleil and Luna. During the late Firstborn Era, she went to plead with Uil for a way to record knowledge, as she worried that the long lifespans of the gods would make their memories fade away. Uil instructed Ioun to cut out one of her eyes. When she cut out her right eye, she gained knowledge of runes and writing.   Sometime during the Era of Restoration, Boccob and Ioun began a romantic relationship. They had been good friends before this point. When Boccob died as a result of the Arcane Paroxysm, Ioun was devastated. Erek-Hus also partially blamed Ioun as a part of his brother's death.   In the Dawn War, Ioun sided with the majority of the Divinities. During the Battle of Lykewake, Vecna injured Ioun gravely with a spell. In an effort to save her life, the other Divinities pleaded with Luna and Soleil to take her up into the sky with them, which they obliged. Ioun then became the third moon.  


As Istus, Ioun was worshiped as a goddess of runes, and as Oghma, she is worshiped as a goddess of writing. SHe is known to the giants as Othea, and under the name Rao, Ioun is worshiped as a goddess of disabilities.

Divine Domains

Clerics of Ioun are usually of the Knowledge and Arcana domains. Some chose to exemplify her Forge and Light aspects.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Ioun's symbol was either a stylized right eye or a wadjet.


Ioun's holy day was Dinolia, celebrated on Inair 27. It was a celebration of education, and most schooling systems chose this holiday as their first day of the semester.
Divine Classification
Year of Birth
130000 TE 131365 Years old

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