
Kyanos, formerly known as Pyra and Pyria, and referred to as the Ocean City, is a city in Arduli. It is the primary port city of Arduli, and most of the nation's maritime trade takes place there.  

Government and Defences

Kyanos is the de facto capital of the Praetorate of Alvakon. It is led by Praetor Caradius Tarazou, who ascended to the position in 1349 MT after the death of his mother, Markosa Tarazou.   Kyanos is one of the most well-defended settlements in Arduli. It is the primary base of the Dromiary Legion, the naval branch of the Dicarian Legions. Out of the 355 ships in the Dromiary Legion, 203 of them have their base harbour in Kyanos.  


While it retains a small fishing industry, Kyanos is primarily a trade port with no resources of its own to export.   Kyanos is also the most criminally active city in Arduli. The Yeojin Families, the White Ravens Guild, and the Old Blood Syndicate are the primary criminal organizations active within the city, along with the local gangs.  


Kyanos is positioned on the eastern coast of the Coravian Sea, within Alavrakuo Bay. Kyanos is split in two by the Asternur River, with most of its settlement on the south bank. Two bridges, built on top of the walls, connect the two parts of Kyanos. The western bridge is named the Bright Bridge, and the eastern bridge is named the Iocchas Bridge. Both bridges are positioned high enough to allow ships to pass underneath them.   Two walls encircle the city. One is the Akus Wall around the southern portion of the city, excluding most of South Pyra Harbour. The other is the Seviohir Wall, encompassing the district of the same name. Both of these walls were constructed after the Sack of Kyanos. One more wall, the Old Wall, encompasses the Regal District, and was built either during the late Imperial Era or the early Dynastic Era.


Kyanos is divided into five districts: Pyra Harbour, Seviohir, Kharxos, the Lambent Spianada, and the Regal Quarter.  

Pyra Harbour

Pyra Harbour runs along both the north and south portions of the city facing out towards Alavrakuo Bay. It encompasses most of Kyanos' dockyards, and is the primary point of entry for those entering Arduli by sea. Pyra Harbour is the oldest district of Kyanos, dating back to the Tyfilian Magocracy, when the settlement was still known as Pyra. Most residential buildings in Pyra Harbour are either inns or sailor's homes. Landmarks in Pyra Harbour include:
  • The Padishah - the final of The Nine Lighthouses, "The Padishah" is a lighthouse that depicts Shah Uzza, the fifth ruler of Arduli and the Shah that commissioned the construction of the lighthouses.
  • Tidal Cathedral - thought to be the oldest temple in Kyanos, Tidal Cathedral is a temple dedicated to Brizhanthe, Luna's aspect as a goddess of the sea, sailors, and wealth. It was previously the seat of the Sibyl of Alvakon before the construction of Kyanos Cathedral.


Seviohir is the district that encompasses the northern portion of the city. The youngest district in Kyanos, it homes the poorer residents of the city. Its name means "Northbank" in Ardulese Infernal, which it is sometimes also referred to as. Landmarks in Seviohir include:
  • Tailor's Speakeasy - the largest and most popular tavern in Kyanos. It was founded by Song Tailor, a Scion Tiefling from Naniogra, in 1295 MT. At the time, alcohol was still illegal in Arduli, so it was disguised as a tailor's shop. With the Euphoric Permissives, the business was able publicly advertise their services. It remains popular today with foreign sailors and adventurers.
  • Aurnath Keep - a castle in the central area of Seviohir designed to house the population of the northern bank in the case of an attack. It was built after the Sack of Kyanos, and is named after Aurnath "Wavebreaker" Agu-Vanathi, an Ardulese Goliath solider who helped protect the city during the Aquamarine War.


Kharxos is the southern district of Kyanos, and the largest of the five districts. It is a primarily residential district, housing most of the middle and upper class of Kyanos. Eastern Kharxos also holds the Barracks for the Dicarian Legions that protect Kyanos. Its name comes from the Ardulese Infernal phrase "Outer walls", because it was originally constructed when the walls of the Regal Quarter were the only walls in the city. Landmarks in Kharxos include:
  • The Matiro of Rihanna - the primary matiro for the Shamashine population of Kyanos. It was originally constructed during the Imperial Era, back when the Kanes where the empire's slave class. It is named after its first Khaznarro.
  • The Lavender Ram - a coffee house and inn on the western side of town. The Lavender Ram is a popular stop for travellers heading out of town along the Dynastic Road.

The Lambent Spianada

The Lambent Spianada is the primary market and leisure district of Kyanos. It runs along the riverbank of the southern portion of the city. Few living quarters exist along the Spianada. Lanmarks in the Lambent Spianada include:
  • The Riverside Mese - the main street of the Spianada. It is a long, open roadway dotted with stands and market stalls peddling their wares. In the centre of the Mese is Tarazou Plaza.
  • Tarazou Plaza - a town square in the centre of the Riverside Mese. It was commissioned by the House of Tarazou when they first came to power in the region.
  • Mystics & Mythics - one of the few magic shops in Arduli. Run by the idiosyncratic Minette, Mystics & Mythics does not produce any of its own wares, instead trading and purchasing magic items from passersby.

The Regal Quarter

The Regal Quarter is the district of Kyanos where most of the nobility live. It borders the eastern end of the Lambent Spianada and Kharxos. The Regal Quarter is the smallest district, surrounded by the Old Wall. It is the second-oldest district of the city, after Pyra Harbour. In case of an invasion, the Regal Quarter can house the entire population of the south bank of Kyanos. Landmarks in the Regal Quarter include:
  • Kyanos Cathedral - the seat of the Sibyl of Alvakon. Kyanos Cathedral is dedicated to all of the Court of Niran, with not emphasis on one god above the others. Its construction was ordered by Shah Uzza, and it was finished in 1252 MT. The current Sibyl is Sibyl Lia Wintermoon, a female Jaar/Hantula Half-Elf.
  • The Platinum Tower - the manor of the Praetor of Alvakon and their family. It was constructed sometime in the Imperial Era. Despite the name, it is not literally built of platinum.


The area of Kyanos has been settled for millennia, with artifacts from the Wensuan Empire having been unearthed there. During that time, it was believed to have been called Lekaya.   The earliest recognized history of the settlement of Kyanos itself began back during the time of the Tyfilian Magocracy, where it was called Pyra. After the nascent Magocracy's conquest of the lower Asternur Valley, Pyra became its primary trade port on the Coravian Sea. However, it lost most of its importance after Tyfilion conquered the area of the modern-day Baokish Territories and founded the city of Rhoquinii, which became far more lucrative.   During the time of the Tyfilian Empire, the city, now known as Pyria, was a shadow of its former self. Both Rhoquinii and Gremerri (then known by the name Graverea), served as the primary ports of the empire.   However, after Rhoquinii was destroyed in The Great Charybdis, and Gremerri was given to Calania as part of the Thirty Year Sovereignization, Pyria was once again elevated to an important position as Arduli's only port city. It was at this time that it was given the official name of Kyanos, with the House of Valhiri ruling over the city.   With Shah Uzza's marriage to Morthos Valhiri, the throne of Arduli put resources into Kyanos to elevate its position in the Coravian trade network, with projects such as the construction of the Nine Lighthouses and Kyanos Cathedral. In addition, when Shah Uzza established the Divan Leagues, the House of Valhiri were given the responsibility of caring for the trade and transportation in Arduli, creating the Valhiri League.   Soon after the Crisis of the Chains broke out, most of Alvakon was sympathetic to the Ivreth cause. Shehzade Passion Tarazou, eldest living and legitimate son of Shah Uzza, accuse the Valhiri of secretly supporting the Mormori cause. This eventually erupted into a civil war within Alvakon encompased by the larger Crisis of the Chains, ending in the Tarazou ousting the Valhiri and becoming the rulers of Alvakon. Soon after, Shehzade Passion made his own claim for the throne on the behalf of his daughter, Markosa Tarazou. However, they were quickly defeated by the Ivreth army, and surrendered to them.   During the Aquamarine War, Kyanos was laid waste to by the Tavanuan Khaganate. This became known as the Sack of Kyanos. After the sack, Kyanos spent its resources upgrading the cities defences, including rebuilding the two walls around the city.
Alternative Name(s)
Pyra, Pyria, the Ocean City
Inhabitant Demonym
Kyanosian, Pyrian
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Yurii Nikolaiko
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