
Poltheias is a village across the Asternur River from Arkron. It houses Arkron’s teleportation circle, and was set up after The Emergence Invasion in order to protect the city from hostile invasions.  

Government and Defences

Poltheias is under the rulership of Pasha Zephan Arkron, cousin of Vizier Life Arkron, but he finds control over the village both boring and an insult. As such, he has instead installed the female Kutori goblin Adros as dematos. Zephan intended the governership as a sort of insensitive joke, but Adros is administering the village quite well.   Apart from a small cadre of Asteramlioi, the only soldiers in the village guard the teleportation circle. Their numbers do not even comprise a single allagion.  


Poltheias’ main purpose is as a transportation point - to this end, it has Arkron’s teleportation circle, and The Sidon, a ferry that ships passengers to the nearby city.  


Poltheias is in the Karrai Terraces, on the eastern bank of the Asternur River across from Arkron. It is part of the Emirate of the Lower Asternur and the Exarchate of Arkron. Landmarks in Poltheias include:
  • The Smoking Boat - an inn run by the female Gwerish human Mavis Raventhorne. It only has a few cheaper rooms. She has started to try selling alcohol there, but the selection is very limited. At night, her fox familiar Doreena watches over the establishment, allowing the Smoking Boat to stay open all hours of the day.
  • Arkron Teleportation Circle - the teleportation circle of Arkron. It is kept in a short tower in the village, guarded by soldiers.
  • The Sidon - a schooner that acts as a ferry between Arkron and Poltheias. It runs from dawn til dusk. It is crewed by the male Tabaxi Captain Mithan Darkglade.


On Larenair 18th, 1208 MT, during the Khidianan War, a force of Ahagwuenan soldiers were able to teleport directly into Arkron using its teleportation circle. This was part of an operation known as The Emergence Invasion. The soldiers were eventually fought off - however, as a future precaution, Arkron moved its teleportation circle across the river, and set up a ferry that would take travellers into the city. The area around this city eventually became the village of Poltheias.
Founding Date
1208 MT
Alternative Name(s)
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Yurii Nikolaiko
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