
Arkron, formerly known as Kaledas, and referred to the Breadbasket, the Cradle of Karrai, and the Luxuriant City, is a city in Arduli. It is the capital of the Emirate of the Lower Asternur. Arkron acts as the primary trade stop for the many farmers of the Karrai Terraces, giving it its reputation as Arduli’s agricultural center.  

Government and Defences

Arkron is ruled by the House of Arkron. The current patriarch of the house is Life Arkron, who also holds the title of Emir to the Emirate of the Lower Asternur and Vizier to the Arkron League. A war veteran in the mold of his ancestor Emira Basina Arkron, Life is somehow managing being the ruler of both a populous Emirate and the head of one of the important Divan Leagues, to the bewilderment of many.   The House of Arkron has always been a close ally of the Royal House of Arduli. Many of the members of each house have married into the other. This includes the current head of the House of Arkron, as three years ago, he married Shahzade Lilith Arduli, cousin of Shah Jezebeth I. The couple is currently trying for a child.   Arkron is an incredibly important location in Arduli. As such, it is heavily defended. Arkron has a staggering 15 allagia of the Dicarian Legions stationed at its barracks. Three walls - the Kaledas Wall around the Kastlidasik district, the Afrali Wall that covers Agorkensi while cutting through the Azmiratis Ward and Volusian Sprawls, and the recently-constructed Gateway Wall - encircle the city. Atop and within these walls are mangonels and ballista, as well as a few recently-acquired cannons.  


Arkron is the primary agricultural center of Arduli, gathering crops from the surrounding Karrai Terraces. Grain, crops, and products manufactured from plants, such as fabrics and tinctures, can be found in abundance in Arkron. Since the open legalization of alcohol during the Euphoric Permissives, Arkron has also become a famous producer of beers and spirits.  


Arkron is located within the Karrai Terraces. The city is adjacent to the Asternur River, southwest of its coast. Two primary Dynastic Roads - the Asternur Road and the Cyranian Road - run through Arkron. Across the river from the city is the village of Poltheias, which was founded to support a ferry for those heading to Arkron.


There are five districts of Arkron: Kastlidasik, the Waterway Crescent, Agorkensi, the Volusian Sprawls, and the Azmiratis Ward.  


Kastlidasik is the central walled region of Arkron. The settlement sprung up around Ivy Castle; in fact, its name comes from the Ardulese Infernal phrase for “Ivy Castle”, which is also where Arkron’s old name of Kaledas originated. Kastlidasik is where most of the wealthy and nobility of Arkron live. Landmarks in Kaslidasik include:
  • Ivy Castle - the citadel of Arkron, and the place of residence for the House of Arkron. Its name comes from early in its history, when the fertilizing magic of the Karrai Terraces caused ivy to grow incredibly fast along its walls.
  • The Luxuriant Palace - a massive palace that acts as the headquarters of the Arkron League. While it formerly supplied housing to most of the league’s members, many instead now find housing elsewhere in the city.
  • Goldheart's - a coffee house and inn near the eastern gate leading into the Waterway Crescent. It is run by the male tiefling Uridos Golshani. As a result of its high prices, many of its guests are of wealthier means.
  • Guidepath Cathedral - a Niranist cathedral dedicated to Phoebi. Guidepath Cathedral is the seat of the Sibyl of Karrai, which is currently the female tiefling Sibyl Roxori Comnena.

The Waterway Crescent

The Waterway Crescent is a quay on the Asternur River that curves around the northeast of Kastlidasik. The area is dotted with warehouses, shipyards, and businesses, as well as a few inns. Most of the residents in the Crescent belong to the middle-class. Landmarks in the Waterway Crescent include:
  • The Fluffy Hag - a fairly-priced inn near the docks. Its owner is the half-orc woman known as Brakka Ulangsdaughter. She established the pub in 1354 MT, when she was only 16 years old.
  • Arkron Matiro - a small matiro that services many of the Shamashites of Arkron. Tended to by the male Njaronse dwarf Keeper Adrik Rukuhnar, it has become the center of a scuffle between Hakiveirans and Rohanualians. The Rohanualians wish to erect shrines to local agricultural spirits, but the conservative Hakiveirans, to whom Adrik belongs to, are vehemently refusing.


Agorkensi is the bazaar district of Arkron. Southwest of Kastlidasik, it was originally set up as a pop-up market outside the walls of the castle, making it one of the oldest districts in the city. Many shops, both stalls and permanent buildings, can be found in Agorkensi. Landmarks in Agorkensi include:
  • Greenleaf's Fine Fashions - a weaver’s and tailor’s stall set up along the main road. A family business that has been using the local crops to make fabrics for decades, the male halfling Ostran Greenleaf is the current proprietor.
  • The Aquan Quintessence - an alchemist’s tent along the main road. It is run by the male Tortle Buadi. Baudi is particularly famous for his potions.
  • Unbreaking Smithy - a blacksmith’s run by the male Goliath Mehrik “Irontwister” Venkolakai. Mehrik’s forge produces few weapons, instead focusing more on creating farming tools.
  • The Tribute to Liberation - built upon the remains of the old slave market, the Tribute to Liberation is a recently-finished monument celebrating The Chainbreaking. It depicts six figures - a tiefling, a Kane human, a gnome, an orc, an Anua elf, and a Kobold - all holding hands, lifting them upwards towards the sky, with broken chains at their feet. These six species were commonly enslaved during the reign of Tyfilion. The Tribute to Liberation was finished in 1323 MT.

The Volusian Sprawls

The Volusian Sprawls is the entertainment and red-light district of Arkron. Located west of Kastlidasik and northwest of Agorkensi, the Sprawls spread out from the Volusian Amphitheatre, for which it is named. The Sprawls are still heavily residential, mostly belonging to the poorer and working-class folks of Arkron. Landmarks in the Volusian Sprawls include:
  • The Volusian Amphitheatre - a coliseum located on the border between the Sprawls and Agorkensi. Constructed in 817 MT by the wealthy Tyfilian human Atilus Helvi Volusianus, the amphitheatre is the main venue for Arkron’s sports and theatre performances, including chariot races and gladiatorial bouts.
  • The Backwarrens - a cheap dive bar run by the female black-scaled Kobold Vern. The Backwarrens is technically one of the oldest drinking establishments in Arkron, predating the Euphoric Permissives. The pub is a converted kobold den, and only has two rooms available for travellers to stay in.
  • Starlit Brewing Company - a brewers and distillers located close to Agorkensi. Named after the Asternur River, the female Skorelser dwarf Bellaras “Bella” Dankil has become famous for the raki that she distills here.
  • Eventide House - a brothel managed by the male tiefling Twilight. Rooms for the night are provided at Eventide House. However, the brothel tries to keep its dealing a secret, as prostitution is still illegal in Arduli.

The Azmiratis Ward

The Azmiratis Ward is a primarily residential district in Arkron. Located south of Kastlidasik, it was technically a separate settlement based around the Azmiratis before being folded into Arkron. The Ward houses members belonging to a spectrum of social classes. Landmarks in the Azmiratis Ward include:
  • The Azmiratis - now a Niranist church to Amirate, the Azmiratis is the oldest temple in Arkron, originally dedicated to the pre-Niranist interpretation of Soleil. Attended to by the enby tiefling Archimandrite Bright Ates, the church also includes a relic of the Minor Pantheon member St. Nyousha the Cropbearer, a Unicorn who saved the residents of the Karrai Terraces from a famine.
  • Church of the Harvestbringer - an old Urbnatist church, primarily dedicated to Yondolla. Supposedly built on the spot of a sacred site of Hulderilism, the original church was burned down by the Niranist Inquisition, but it has since been rebuilt. The parish priest of the Church of the Harvestbringer is the male Ysen human Primate Albus Mua, who oversees the entirety of the ecclesiastical province of the Asternur Valley.


Arkron’s history begins soon after the male Tyfilian human Magistrate Aryaburzin Karrai created the magic that sustains the Karrai Terraces sometime around the late 300s MT to early 400s MT. After the enchantment was placed, various settlements were founded to attend to the various farmers around Karrai. This included Ivy Castle, which became known as Kadelas.   During the Magocracy, Kadelas was not known as an especially prominent settlement, instead being overshadowed by the city of Firakalum (now known as Karoun) located at the fork of the Weeping and Asternur rivers. However, when borders shifted during the transition from the Tyfilian Magocracy to the Tyfilian Empire, Kadelas’ location close to recently conquered territories of modern-day Calania allowed it to grow in importance. It was around this time that Kadelas was rechristened Arkron.   Arkron became well-known as the central breadbasket for the Tyfilian Empire. Tragically, as farming required a lot of labour, it also became very well known for its prosperous slave market.   During the Algenos War, Arkron was administered by a male Earth Genasi known as Ajax Lecapanus, who was very loyal to the Empire. When the Revolutionaries reached Arkron, they besieged the city for a full three years, with multiple attempts to take the city, as well as battles against Imperial reinforcements. The Ajaxian Siege finally came to an end when a male Drow shadowblade of the Revolutionaires, Lesal Alprin, was able to assassinate Ajax within the walls of Arkron. Even after the Revolutionaries took the city, fights with Imperial loyalists would break out well into the Sarzan Era.   After the ascent of Zhalita and Hadyanos, control of Arkron was given to the tiefling woman Basina, the commander of the Ajaxian Siege and supposed descendant of Magistrate Aryaburzin Karrai. Basina, a former slave like Zhalita, established the noble House of Arkron, taking its name from the settlement she now ruled over, and became known as Emira Basina Arkron.   However, Lesal Alprin had objections to this. Since he was the one to break the siege by killing Ajax, he believed that he should have been the one to receive rulership over Arkron. The ranks of their army was split over the issue, causing a minor civil war. Four months in, to prevent further escalation (and to save face in the eyes of the Shah), Basina challenged Lesal to a trial by combat to the title of the Emirate of the Lower Asternur. Lesal accepted, on the condition that it would be a fight to the death with no resurrection. On Agoroth 6th, 1109 MT, Basina and Lesal faced each other in the Volusian Amphitheatre. At first, it seemed that Lesal would win, but Basina held on, delivering the killing blow to Lesal and solidifying her claim to the title of Emir of the Lower Asternur. This event became known as The Karrai Dispute.   On Larenair 18th, 1208 MT, during the Khidianan War, a force of Ahagwuenan soldiers were able to teleport directly into Arkron using its teleportation circle. This was part of an operation known as The Emergence Invasion. The soldiers were eventually fought off - however, as a future precaution, Arkron moved its teleportation circle across the river, and set up a ferry that would take travellers into the city. The area around this city eventually became the village of Poltheias. It was also because of the Emergence Invasion that Arduli would begin destroying its teleportation circles during wartime.   In 1350 MT, Life Arkron would ascend to the Emirate of the Lower Asternur, including the Exarchate of Arkron, after the retirement of his mother, Emira Nephira Arkron. He additionally became the Vizier of the Arkron League after the death of his other mother, the Kane human Kamaria Arkron, in 1364 MT.
Founding Date
Late 300s MT - Early 400s MT
Alternative Name(s)
The Breadbasket, The Cradle of Karrai, The Luxuriant City, Kaledas
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Arkronite, Kaledasian
Owning Organization

Articles under Arkron

Cover image: by Yurii Nikolaiko