Seraphine Republic

The Seraphine Republic, formerly known as the Seraphine Union, is a small republic based around the settlements of Fortune and Haven in central Qamenkas.   The emblem of the Seraphine Republic, called the Banner of Union, depicts two scimitars crossing, one representing Fortune and the other representing Haven. During the Seraphine Union, a star was placed above the swords, representing Mesemkau and their prophet, Apostle Olviel Seraphine.  


The Seraphine Republic is governed by fourteen selected councillors, divided into two sets of seven. Each set governs one of the two primary settlements, Fortune and Haven, as well as the republic in general. The councillors of Fortune are Raloro Numir, Dee Fernheart, The Iron Sage, Tharugall Floshem, Bhenkumbyrznaax Dazzazn, Hujldan Lastkin, and Arkira Dariush. The councillors of Haven are Tochoc Mipora, Agunol Oshoba, Garth Broadfell, Vivian Allain, Jit Oshoba, Mazatl Choyopa, and Spell of Rain of the Lost Wave.   The councillor are elected from a lottery of citizens with “voting power”. “Voting power” is given to citizens of the republic who have been understood to have contributed to the betterment and improvement of the Seraphine Republic. Citizens with “voting power” are permitted to motion laws that the councillors debate on, and democratically vote on decisions that were found inconclusive when the councillor voted on it. It is understood that one of the easiest ways to get voting power is to either give large donations of wealth to the treasury, or fight in the Arms of the Ash.   Councillors are elected for a ten-year term. New councillors are chosen at the very beginning of the election year. As of 1365 MT, the Seraphine Republic has just elected its third council.


Ever since the transition from theocracy to republic, the Seraphine Republic’s culture has been one of inclusivity. No one homogeneous culture has superiority over others, instead being a mixture of the cultures of its larger demographics. On the streets of the two towns, one can find people practicing Ardulese calligraphy, singing Orcish music, wearing Tavanuan fashions, and eating Bhuka cuisine.   The cuisine of the Seraphine Republic is very much based around the availability of ingredients in their desert home. The two primary grains of the Seraphine Republic are sorghum and millet, often combined into couscous. Other ingredients include sugar, nuts, dates, and citrus. The primary meat product comes from a specific southern Tuathan breed of sheep that the Seraphine cultivate, who also produce much of the dairy. Alcoholic beverages in the Seraphine Republic come from millet, sorghum, and sugarcane, such as rum.


The two primary trade resources of the Seraphine Republic are incense and sugarcane. In addition, the republic provides sorghum and millet, as well as other cooking ingredients, to travellers going through Qamenkas.


The Seraphine Republic began as the Seraphine Union, established in 1296 MT by the female uniya Olviel Seraphine. Nearly a century before, Olviel had ventured into the Temple of Ashen Hope and exited proclaiming the word of the lesser idol Mesemkau. She founded Haven on that spot, and converted much of the surrounding area to the worship of the deity. According to the laws of the Union, Olviel would be a theocratic autocrat of the region.   As the end of her life neared, many citizens of the Seraphine Union became dissatisfied with Olviel’s rule. Her age brought with it some forms of irritability and senility, and the increasing religious, political, and racial diversity of the Union made her autocratic rule less popular. However, before things could escalate into a conflict, Olviel died of old age in 1333 MT.   The next two years marked a minor period of political chaos within the Seraphine Union - however, the participants were civil in their discussions, and the crisis never escalated into a conflict. Instead of passing the leadership of the Union to another autocratic leader like Olviel was, some residents of Fortune suggested a political system similar to that that was in their own town prior to the joining of the two settlements. This idea gained popularity, and in 1335 MT, the Seraphine Republic was officially declared.

Demography and Population

The Seraphine Republic is a diverse nation with no obvious majority species. Notable populations of the republic include halflings, dwarves, tieflings, and dragonborn. As well, a comparatively large population of uniya - half-orc and half-elf people - call the republic home. This resulted from both the original founder of Haven and the Seraphine Union, Apostle Olviel Seraphine, being one of them, and the migration of orc and elf tribes to the territory around a hundred years ago. As well, there has been a recent explosion of goblins resulting from the Oshoba tribe of Bhuka goblins migrating to the republic in 1356 MT.   The most commonly spoken language in the Seraphine Republic is Common. Other commonly spoken languages include Bhuka Goblin, Dwarvish, and Draconic. Many uniya of the republic also speak an emerging creole of Common, Orcish, Elvish, and other surrounding languages known as Olliya.


The Seraphine Republic is within central Qamenkas. Surrounding the territory of the Seraphine Republic is the Encompassing Wall. Still under construction, the mostly triangular Encompassing Wall is around 100 miles long at its longest side, and around 35 miles long on its shortest.   The two primary settlements in the Seraphine Republic are Fortune to its northwest and Haven to its northeast. The two settlements are flanked by the Golden Oasis and the Serene Oasis respectively. To the republic’s southmost point is the fortification of Pyrewatch Garrison. Between the three locations are small villages that use the irrigation canals for farming and other purposes.


The military of the Seraphine Republic is known as the Arms of the Ash. Originally established during the Union, the order boasts a sizable part of the population of the Republic. It is currently led by the male uniya General Lumabar Elben.


The original Seraphine Union was a theocracy devoted to the lesser idol Mesemkau. In the modern day, most of the residents of the republic are still dedicated to the deity, but there is a far greater amount of religious diversity. Many of the goblins of the Seraphine Republic worship Kikanuti.


The Seraphine Republic has no places of higher learning. However, education for adolescents takes place at the Mesemaeum in Haven, as well as buildings associated with the Mesemaeum Outreach.
Founding Date
1296 MT; declared a republic in 1335 MT
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
the Republic
Controlled Territories

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