
Haven is a town in Qamenkas. It is a member settlement of the Seraphine Republic, along with Fortune.  

Government and Defences

Haven is part of the Seraphine Republic. Seven of the fourteen councillors of the Republic are based in Haven. Those seven councillors also govern the town. The seven councillors of Haven are:
  • Tochoc Mipora, a female Bithedian Amethyst Dragonborn. She settled in Haven after fleeing from Bithedia’s Hethressian Coup, and gained her voting power from being a member of the military.
  • Agunol Oshoba, a female Bhuka goblin. Agunol comes from a musician family important to the Oshoba clan, and gained her voting power on recommendation from Matriarch Invi Oshoba.
  • Garth Broadfall, an agender Skorelser dwarf. Originally from a wealthy family, they left their conservative clan behind and bought their way into voting power in the Seraphine Republic.
  • Vivian Allain, a male Thyan human. He gained his voting power from being one of the attendants to Mesemkau’s temple.
  • Jit Oshoba, a goblin woman. She gained her voting power from helping map out the areas that the Encompassing Wall was going to be constructed at.
  • Mazatl Choyopa, a tiefling man. Originally from Makutu, he gained his voting power from bringing commerce to the Republic from Pelavayanish merchants.
  • Spell of Rain of the Lost Wave, a female Tabaxi. She gained her voting power from administering the Mesemaeum.
  Haven is defended by Seraphine’s military, the Arms of the Ash. It is also defended by the Encompassing Wall, which protects the entirety of the Republic’s territory.  


Along with the rest of the Seraphine Republic, Haven, and its surrounding area, are known for its incense and sugarcane production. As well, the irrigation system that the Seraphine Republic is trying to set up assists in growing its primary grains, sorghum and millet. Followers of Mesemkau also visit Haven for pilgrimages.  


Haven is located in central Qamenkas. South of the settlement is the Serene Oasis. The Encompassing Wall protects the town, along with the rest of the Republic’s territory. Landmarks in Haven include:
  • Seraphine Palace - the seat of government for Haven, and the de-facto parliamentary building for the Seraphine Republic. The settlement’s seven councillors meet here to discuss politics. Prior to Seraphine’s regime change, Seraphine Palace was the residence of Apostle Olviel Seraphine.
  • Gajigume Barracks - the barracks of Haven. Named after General Karine Gajigume, the Uniya half-orc woman that held the position of General prior to General Lumabar Elben, the Gajigume Barracks are commanded by the male Skagondi gnome  Razdon Hinnatti.
  • The Mesemaeum - originally a seminary for the worship of Mesemkau, the Mesemaeum is now a library open to any citizen of the republic. Since its previous archivist, Spell of Rain, now serves on the council of Haven, the Mesemaeum is run by the Drow elf woman Iyma Kilund.
  • The Dancer in the Tower - the preeminent inn and tavern in Haven. Named after the dancing clockwork construct in a cage on the roof of the establishment, the Dancer in the Tower is served by the halfling male Randahl Maltgiver and his wife, the gnome woman Meeny “Meen-Meen” Maltgiver. Meeny, being an artificer of some repute, has constructed clockwork helpers to assist the other barmaids of the establishment.
  • The Emerald Lullaby - a bathhouse and spa run by the female goblin Tiba Oshoba. The Emerald Lullaby is surrounded by a ring-shaped moat of fountains, while the lingam-shaped building itself has a public bath and a few private rooms.
  • Temple of Ashen Hope - a temple to Mesemkau, and the most sacred site of the deity’s cult. Originally constructed during the Arcane Age, the temple complex was defended by a variety of traps, spells, and creatures, including the Eidolon Adrathan. In 1201 MT, the half-elf Olviel Seraphine ventured into the temple complex, and exited proclaiming that she was the new messenger of Mesemkau. Olviel would go on to establish Haven, and later, the Seraphine Union. In the modern day, the temple is attended to by the male Thyan human, and identical twin of Vivian Allain, Vassili Allain.
  • Oshoba House - the house of the Oshoba clan matriarch, Matriarch Ivni Oshoba. It also acts as a community center and temple for the Bhuka goblins of the Oshoba clan across the Seraphine Republic.


Haven is built on the remains of a Kemideshi town whose name has been lost to history. The residents of this town built the Temple of Ashen Hope to Mesemkau, a popular minor deity at the time.   Come the times of the Tyfilian Empire, the settlement of Castrava was built close to the land now settled by Haven. The Temple of Ashen Hope was mostly avoided, as the defenses built into the complex would attack those entering, but a few decided to follow the deity.   Around the 800s MT, Castrava became the birthplace of the Arduli political dynasty. The family would become the trusted governors of the area for centuries.   Soon after the Night of Torrid Blood, the governor of Castrava, Hadyanos Arduli, declared that he would secede his territories from the Tyfilian Empire, becoming the ruler of the newly declared nation of “Arduli”. This action would be one of the primary catalysts for the Algenos War.   During the Algenos War, Zarmenos the Avaricious would summon the Great Charybdis, destroying many of the settled areas of Qamenkas, including Castrava, and creating a desert wasteland in its place.   In 1201 MT, the half-elf Niranist deacon Olviel Seraphine went on a pilgrimage to the ruins of Castrava. While travelling there, she found the Temple of Ashen Hope, and ventured inside. When she exited the temple, she began to proclaim that she had been chosen as the messenger to another deity, Mesemkau, and began to proselytize their worship. She established the town of Haven soon afterwards.   After many of its residents had converted to the cult of Mesemkau, Olviel proposed a union with the town of Fortune. They agreed, and in 1296 MT, the Seraphine Union was established.   As the end of her life neared, many citizens of the Seraphine Union became dissatisfied with Olviel’s rule. Her age brought with it some forms of irritability and senility, and the increasing religious, political, and racial diversity of the Union made her autocratic rule less popular. However, before things could escalate into a conflict, Olviel died of old age in 1333 MT.   The next two years marked a minor period of political chaos within the Seraphine Union - however, the participants were civil in their discussions, and the crisis never escalated into a conflict. Instead of passing the leadership of the Union to another autocratic leader like Olviel was, some residents of Fortune suggested a political system similar to that that was in their own town prior to the joining of the two settlements. This idea gained popularity, and in 1335 MT, the Seraphine Republic was officially declared.   In 1356 MT, the Oshoba clan of Bhuka goblins came to settle in Haven. They were welcomed, and the members of the clan soon spread across the territory of the Republic.   In early 1365 MT, Haven’s third council since the declaration of the republic was selected via lottery.
Founding Date
1201 MT
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization

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