
Shauril, also known as Naralis, Nuitara, and Loviatar, and known by the title of the Raven Queen, is the goddess of ravens, darkness, death, negative emotions, and magic. She is the patron goddess of the Shadar-kai, and the twin sister of Corellon. She also created the Shadowfell.   A common superstition is that before a battle, soldiers will look to the sky if they can see a crow or raven. If they see a crow, that means Gwynna is watching over them and that all those killed will depart safely into the afterlife. If they see a raven, that means Shauril is there, and those killed will likely not find rest in death.  


Shauril is depicted as a pale skinned, dark blue haired female elf with black raven's wings.  


Shauril is a cold, selfish, and sullen goddess. She enjoyed causing strife and pain in others, especially her sibling, Corellon. As with Winter, she was shown to be a vindictive deity to those who wronged her.  


See The Curse of Winter, The Firstborn, The Creation of the Feywild and Shadowfell, The Rebirth of the Elves, Lolth, Vecna  


As Loviatar, Shauril is worshiped as a goddess of death and undeath. As Nuitara, she is worshiped as a true neutral goddess of magic. In the Seldarine, she is known as Naralis.

Divine Domains

Clerics of Shauril were usually of the Death and Arcana domains. Some clerics chose to exemplify her Trickery aspect.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Shauril's symbol is a left-facing raven head.


Shauril's holy day is Shinog, celebrated on Larenair 31. She shared this holiday with her sibling Corellon . Shinog was when the Prime Echoes were the closest to the Prime Material, causing various spirits and fey to wander the land. On Shinog, many people dress in costumes and masks, and make loud noises to scare away these fey and spirits.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Divine Classification
Neutral Evil
Year of Birth
130000 TE 131365 Years old