
Corellon, also known as Larenthian, Easul, Lliira, and Sune, and known by the title of the Archeart, is the deity of sex, gender, shapeshifting, positive emotions, and magic. They are the creator of the elven race, and the patron deity of the Anwyn. They are the primary partner of Selene, the twin sibling of Shauril, and the parent of Ehlonna, Obad-hai, Kord, Winter, Summer, Spring, Autumn, Lolth, Vecna, Lugha, Bascka, and Dyveri MacCorr. They were also the creator of Garl and the Feywild. The month of Larenair is named after them.   Corellon was known to manifest avatars often on the face of Crith. During the Era of Restoration, they manifested as an elven man named Larenthian to combat the growing threat of the then-mortal Gruumsh. During The Algenos Wars, they manifested as a tiefling woman named Easul. They also manifested various times throughout history as a giant glowing white stag.   As would be expected as the deity of sex, Corellon sired many children. A sizable portion of the Divinities shared their parentage from Corellon, and countless mortals were begat by them, the most famous of whom was Dyveri MacCorr.  


Corellon dislikes taking a single form. However, in religious art, they are depicted as an androgynous elf with long blonde hair, clad in flowing robes.   As Larenthian, Corellon appeared as an elf man wearing elven armor with a xiphos at his side.   As Easul, Corellon appeared as a tiefling woman, whom looked much like a red-haired elf with horns, wielding a wand called the Weaver's Thread.  


Much like their form, Corellon is a malleable and unpredictable deity. They love their friends and family with unrelenting passion, and hate their enemies an equal passion. Corellon was a deity of extremities, in both emotion and creation.  


See The Curse of Winter, The Firstborn, The Creation of the Feywild and Shadowfell, The Rebirth of the Elves, The Creation of the Gnomes, Lolth, Gruumsh  


As Lliira, Corellon is worshiped as a deity of gender and shapeshifting. As Sune, Corellon is worshiped as a chaotic neutral deity of sex and sexuality. To some elves, Corellon was known as Larenthian, and in the Court of Niran, Corellon is known as Easul.

Divine Domains

Clerics of Corellon were usually of the Arcana, Life, and Trickery domains. Some clerics chose to exemplify their Light aspect.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Corellon's symbol is a four-pointed starburst.


Corellon's holy day is Shinog, celebrated on Larenair 31. They shared this holiday with their sister Shauril. Shinog was when the Prime Echoes were the closest to the Prime Material, causing various spirits and fey to wander the land. On Shinog, many people dress in costumes and masks, and make loud noises to scare away the fey and spirits.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Divine Classification
Chaotic Good
Year of Birth
130000 TE 131365 Years old

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