
Sum, also known as Valgus, is a town in the Asternur Valley of Arduli, and part of the Emirate of Syndarto and the Upper Asternur. The name for the town comes from the Ardulese Infernal word for “dam”, of which one is located there. The dam was built to filter out magical runoff from the Djezet mines near Kesatolia, and its upkeep is kept by a group of artificers and monastics.  

Government and Defences

Ever since the previous ruling family, the House of Alddhar, was ousted for aligning against the House of Mormori during the Crisis of the Chains, Sum has been governed by a Tarqadios assigned by the ruling family of the Emirate, the Archimandrite of the Lavra of Purification. The current Tarqadios is Archimandrite Ernso Romelus.   Sum is guarded by three allagia of the Dicarian Legions, in addition to a cadre of Asteramlioi. It has no walls, but four watchtowers armed with ballistae protect the town. Since the Archimandrite does not have authority over military matters, the soldiers are led by the pensive female Tavanuan Dragonborn Agha Rezjena Verthisathurgiesh. She is known to have a positive view towards adventurers, and occasionally invites passing adventuring parties to stay with her in the Alcazar of the Dam.  


Sum’s main resource is its mages that specialize in the purification of water. Its prominence as a dam has lessened since the construction of the Ogamiza Dam closer to Kesatolia, but it still has prestige for housing the Ypsilanti Madrasa, a school specializing in artificing, divine spellcasting, and theological teachings.  


Sum is on the southern border of the Emirate of the Syndarto and the Upper Asternur, in Arduli. The Asternur River runs through the town, and the town itself is situated above and below the Cliffs of Zalkea. It is part of the Exarchate of Valgus, which is composed of the settlement and its surrounding area.  


Sum is divided into two districts - Upper Sum and Lower Sum. Upper Sum is the younger region of the town, constructed after the dam broke and flooded the settlement below during conflict in the town as part of the Algenos War. As a result of this event, Lower Sum was seen as less safe, and as such was a cheaper part of town.  

Upper Sum

Landmarks in Upper Sum include:
  • The River Fox Inn - The River Fox Inn is a luxurious inn in Upper Sum. It is run by the male halfling Gery Woolhallow. Similar to Traveller’s Rest, there is no alcohol served there, in agreement with both the Lavra and the madrasa.
  • The Brilliant Fire Jewellery Store - a jeweller’s and gemstone shop run by the mischievous and flamboyant tiefling male Spinel Lucaenus. He also sells spell components and a few pieces of magical jewellery.
  • Alcazar of the Dam - also known as the Alddhar Alcazar, this castle was the former homestead of the ruling Alddhar family. It now acts as the main barracks of the town, and is the home of the garrison’s commander, Agha Rezjena Verthisathurgiesh.
  • Ypsilanti Madrasa - a school dedicated to teaching artificing, divine spellcasting, and theology. It was originally situated in Lower Sum, but the flood caused by the destruction of the dam during the Algenos War destroyed its original location. The madrasa is managed by Dean Nameh Pelleth, a female tiefling Presbyter known for her compassion - and her dislike of Archimandrite Ernso Romelus.

Lower Sum

Landmarks in Lower Sum include:
  • Valgus Dam - the namesake for the town, the Valgus Dam was constructed in order to purify mining runoff from the mines near Kesatolia. In the modern day, the Ogamiza Dam near Kesatolia purifies most of the runoff from the mines, but the Valgus Dam still catches runoff from the mines of the Upper Asternur. A pulley system has been set up to carry smaller boats up and down the dam.
  • The Lavra of Purification - a Niranist monastery carved into the Cliffs of Zalkea. Since the Kallistan Era, the monks of the monastery have been the ones responsible for the upkeep of the dam. The lavra is run by Archimandrite Ernso Romelus, who is the Tarqadios of the town.
  • Traveller’s Rest - a general store, inn, and coffee house run by the Ri’Alfar tiefling Minnallu Sefika. Minnallu set up a common room with beds on the upper floor of the store after hearing complaints about the prices of the River Fox Inn from travellers through the town. In the centre of the store is a shrine to Elivhkan.
  • Seraphina Breads - a bakery run by the excitable and impulsive Aasimar Elf Zuyisen Nalmendi. Many have said that they felt “healed” upon consuming her pastries.


During the Imperial Era, the agender half-orc scholar Abarja Valgus noticed that the crop yield of the Karrai Terraces had lessened, and that many crops had been damaged. They eventually discovered the cause of this to be runoff from the mines situated near modern-day Kesatolia. They petitioned Empress Elhyseos I to do something about it, and eventually, she relented, and ordered the construction of the Valgus Dam in 670 MT. A town sprung up around this dam, and became known as Sum.   In 836 MT, Ypsilanti Madrasa was constructed in order to educate artificers to upkeep the dam.   During the Algenos War, Revolutionary and Imperial forces came into conflict in Sum. Revolutionaries were able to hold the part of the town underneath the cliff, while the Imperial forces held the area above the cliff. In order to prevent the Revolutionaries from advancing any further, the Imperials destroyed the dam, and many Revolutionaries were swept away and killed. The Revolutionaries abandoned the siege, known as the Siege of Valgus. Sum was never taken during the Algenos War - instead, the Revolutionaries were able to ally with the male half-orc Akrarg Gneba, the governor of Gokolios, and move to Kesatolia from there.   After the Arduli Dynasty came to power, Spahbad Hadyanos hired the Alddhar clan of the dwarven citadel of Milolihm to lead the repairs of the Valgus Dam. As a reward, the royal family gave the House of Alddhar rulership over the Exarchate of Valgus.   In 1145 MT, the Ogamiza Dam was constructed closer to Kesatolia, in order to purify mining runoff closer to its source. Sum prestige was reduced as a result, but still kept some relevance as the location of the Ypsilanti Madrasa.   In 1153 MT, the female halfling hermit dedicated to Zhalita, Idekath Nightleaf, carved a cell into the cliff walls of Sum. More and more hermits joined her, and it eventually became the Lavra of Purification. During her rule, Shah Kallista I declared that the lavra would be responsible for the upkeep of the dam.   During the Crisis of the Chains, the House of Alddhar backed the House of Ivreth in the succession crisis. The Ivreth family lost to the House of Mormori in the competition for the throne, and as a punishment, the Mormori expelled the Alddhar family from Sum. Ever since, the Archimandrite of the Lavra of Purification was declared the Tarqadios of the settlement.
Founding Date
670 MT
Alternative Name(s)
Valgus, the Dam
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Yurii Nikolaiko
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