
Kesatolia, known formerly as Kalzatomar and Arsulanan, and known by the titles of The City of the Paragons and The Beating Heart, is the capital of the Arduli Dynasty. It is situated in northern Arduli, in the Upper Asternur region of the Emirate of Syndarto and the Upper Asternur.  

Government and Defences

Kesatolia is governed directly by the royal family, with Shah Jezebeth herself ruling over the city. However, in order to offload work, she sometimes gives the duties of running the local issues of the city to her mother, Valide Shah Nelyvia. Nelyvia assists as much as she can, but is often hampered by health issues.   Kesatolia is defended by 25 allagia of the Dicarian Legions. Four walls encircle the city, many of them built from the remains of the walls that fell during the Revolutionary attack on Kesatolia during the end of the Algenos War. Encircling the Royal Enclave is the Paragon Wall, built by Shah Zhalita from the remains of the destroyed wall around the original Palace of Algenos. Around both the Paragon Wall and the district of Shavahkiva is the Aym Parapet, planned and constructed by Shahzade Aym, one of the daughters of Shah Sarza. The Arslan Rampart around the districts of Keskuval and Kounaved is the oldest wall of Kesatolia, named after the founder of the Algenos Dynasty. Once Kounaved grew in population, the Arslan Rampart was renovated and extended to cover the district. The final wall of Kesatolia is the Amaran Bastion. Built after the Crisis of the Chains by Shah Amara, it encircles the entire city, and is built to withstand cannon fire.  


Kesatolia has an extensive and successful economy. While not centrally located within the realm, its position near the fork of the Syndarto and Asternur rivers give it easy access to most of the other parts of Arduli, making it a central trading hub. In addition, its original purpose as a mining settlement still reflects many parts of its economy today, with most of the miners and mined ores of the surrounding mountains eventually finding their way to the city.  


Kesatolia is in northern Arduli, within the Asternur Valley. It is in the Upper Asternur region of the Emirate of the Syndarto and the Upper Asternur. The city is near where the fork of the Syndarto River and Asternur River divide. Kesatolia also partially rests on the bank of the Asternur River.  


There are six districts of Kesatolia: the Royal Enclave, Keskuval, Qumios, Kipri, Shavahkiva, and Kounaved. The Royal Enclave is in the northeast of the city, and consists entirely of the estates of the royal family and their relatives. Keskuval, in the eastern part of the city, is filled with shops and stands, and the central Kounaved is a mostly middle class residential district. Qumios, in the west-southwest, stands as the traditional residence of the miners of the surrounding region. The southern district of Kipri is wracked with poverty, and contains the entrance to the original mine of the settlement. Shavahkiva, in the northwest of the city, is built around the eponymous garden, and is where many of the city’s aristocracy resides.  

Royal Enclave

The Royal Enclave is on the northeast side of Kesatolia, and is comprised mostly of the estates of the royal family and their close relatives. The Royal Enclave also acts as the primary administrative centre of Arduli, in both civic and Niranist administration. The Royal Enclave is closed off to the general public, and is guarded by members of the Asulian Guard. Landmarks in the Royal Enclave include:
  • First Cathedral - known as “Kanadrik Prilan” in Ardulese Infernal, and sometimes also called the “Great Cathedral”, the First Cathedral is a Niranist cathedral dedicated to the entirety of the Court. Like its name suggests, it was the first Niranist temple ever built. The First Cathedral is the gathering place of the Sibyls, where they meet to discuss and debate matters of religious policy. Since the early 1300s MT, the First Cathedral is also the parish of the Sibyl of the Upper Asternur; as of now, that is Sibyl Itzehka, a wise male naga whose appearance after the death of the previous Sibyl in 1320 MT was viewed as a divine omen.
  • Ashlar Manor - the primary estate of the House of Tahir, and the administrative centre of the Tahir League, the Divan League responsible for construction and architecture. The matriarch of the House of Tahir, as well as the head of the League, is Vizier Decarabia Tahir. A Half-Elf Tiefling, Decarabia is known for her jovial attitude, her sorcerous abilities received from being a descendant of Zhalita, and her walking cane that she is rarely seen without.
  • The Sanctified Palace - the massive residence of the Royal House of Arduli. Once housing the Tyfilian House of Algenos and called the “Palace of Algenos”, it was greatly renovated by Shah Uzza during her reign. It has sections dedicated to running the government, the Divan Leagues, and housing for the court of the Royal House of Arduli.


Keskuval is on the southeast side of Kesatolia, and acts as the bazaar quarter of the city. Its name comes from Keskis Kuval, “Rainbow Canvas” in Ardulese Infernal, after the many multicoloured canvases that cover the stalls of the merchants throughout the neighbourhood. Many of the restaurants, artisans, and bathhouses of Kesatolia are here. Landmarks in Keskuval include:
  • The Fervent Harlequin - an inn and stable in the eastern part of Keskuval, the Fervent Harlequin is particularly popular for its flamboyant manager, the Gnome male Burgell “Peacock” Oomtrowl. Often dressed in gaudy jewellery, heavy makeup, and vibrant dresses, Burgell often hosts drag performances at the Harlequin.
  • Ticking Wonders - a clockworker, specialized in producing constructs and gadgets. The clockworker herself is a gnome named Menny Glast. Arrogant and lazy, she often makes the constructs around her shop manage everything other than the actual mechanical crafting.
  • Webweaver’s Fashions - a tailor run by the male Araenasi Takela, Webweaver’s Fashions is frequented by the rich and aristocratic of Kesatolia, as Takela is known to be a skilled and focused clothesmaker.
  • Vagabond Mounts & Vehicles - an animal mount and vehicles shop run by the female tiefling Kallista Namli and the Orc male Odak Trashuson. Odak often has to apologize to customers for Kallista’s very blunt and impatient attitude.
  • Rhollorin Atelier - an artist’s school and residence based out of an old caravanserai, the Rhollorin Atelier has no central dean or authority. It is named after Rhollorin Keenthorn, an elvish painter whose studio started the collective in the 900s MT. Many of the artists there specialize in painting, calligraphy, and glassblowing, popular forms of art throughout Arduli.


Qumios is in the west-southwest side of Kesatolia. Populated by many of the miners who work in the mines surrounding the city, the quarter is named after its large Dwarf population, as qumi means "dwarf" in Ardulese Infernal. Plenty of gnomes also live in this part of Kesatolia. Landmarks in Qumios include:
  • House of the Gemlight - a Samman temple to Moradin. Once a simple hidden house temple, it was upgraded to its current state after the dissolution of the Niranist Inquisition. Frequented by the dwarves and gnomes of the city, the priest of the temple is a sheltered dwarf female sonnlinor named Therlin Cindergrip.
  • Simmidir’s Tavern - a tavern regulated by the miners of Qumios. The tavern began its life as the house of the dwarven Simmidir family, who served drinks to dwarves who came to their place after work. After the Euphoric Permissives, it began operating publicly. The bar is attended to by the son and daughter of the family, Olunt and Whurdred Simmidir. Only a few rooms are available for rent - the joke is that they only act as a drunk tank.
  • Kodimon Foundry - a massive smithy on the dividing line between Qumios and Kounaved. It is named after Menderes Kodimon, a Tyfilian human that got a grant from the Tyfilian Empire to create the foundry. While most of its productions are for the state, the foundry sells its surplus tools, arms, and armour to those who visit. Kodimon Foundry is managed by Sark the Smelter, a serene fire genasi orc male.


Kipri is a district on the south side of Kesatolia, and is where many of the poorer folks of the city live. The oldest part of the settlement, its name during the time of the Empire was Doulos, roughly meaning “Slaves’ Quarters”. Zhalita changed the name to Dinzkiprilan, meaning “First Mine”, after the Arduli Dynasty came to power. As time passed, this name became shorted to its modern one. Landmarks in Kipri include:
  • The Hall of Absolution - a Niranist church dedicated to the entire court. Run by the Skesila Order of Vederanites, the Hall of Absolution acts more like a soup kitchen and hostel rather than an actual church. The parish priest is Presbyter Beneficence Palamas, a quiet and very elderly tiefling man often accompanied by his cat, Lady.
  • The Sapphire Hound - a jeweller’s run by the polite Arigo-Shei Dragonborn male Dinkangxiu Junjie Qiu. The shop has a suspicious amount of tools that could be used for burglary, leading some to suspect that there is more than meets the eye to the establishment.
  • Heartlit Sanctum - a Shamashine matiro. The Heartlit Sanctum dates back to the founding of Kesatolia, as many of the early residents were Kane slaves working in the mines. The Sann of the sanctum is Astur Irongazer, a talkative male Halfling.
  • The Old Mine Entrance - the entrance to the original mine that Kesatolia sprung up around. The mine has long dried out, and the entrance has been blocked. However, it doesn’t stop treasure hunters and explorers from attempting to sneak in.


Shavahkiva is in the northwestern side of Kesatolia, with most of its residents being in the upper class. The district’s name means “Shava’s Garden” in Ardulese Infernal, after the garden within the quarter. Shavahkiva was originally part of the Royal Enclave, before Shah Uzza made it its own district. Landmarks in Shavahkiva include:
  • Chateau Melodus - an luxurious inn owned by the House of Melodus. The chateau also has a spa, kamikon, and restaurant attached to it. Part of the Chateau rules is to follow the taboos of Niranism, which includes no drinking, smoking, or gambling - if a resident is caught doing these things on the premises, they will be kicked out.
  • Shava’s Garden - an ornate garden that spans the east and centre of the district. The garden was established by Shah Sarza, in memory of the early death of her daughter, Shehzade Shava. The district, which shares the garden’s name, sprung up around it.
  • Mithral Mantle Hall - a magic shop formerly run by Pasha Adula Zormir, a powerful sorceress who gained her abilities from being a descendant of Zhalita. After Pahsa Adula was made the head of the Qamenkas Dungeoneering Society by Shah Jezebeth, she moved to the organization’s headquarters in Port Euphoria. In her place, she created a simulacrum to run the shop. Most customers report that little has changed, though the simulacrum sometimes has difficulty helping them after having an existential crisis when its essence is pointed out to her.


Kounaved is located in the centre-west of Kesatolia. It is a middle class district often described as up-and-coming. Kounaved’s name means “Green Cradle”, as it was originally an expanse between the Royal Enclave and the rest of the settlement before it was built during the Sarzan Era. Landmarks of Kounaved include:
  • St. Rasuinda Church - an Urbnatist church built in the Thyennian style. The parist priest is Primate Cassius Amade, a greedy male Thyan Human.
  • Kallista Coliseum - the coliseum of Kesatolia. It was the first coliseum built under Shah Kallista’s Stadia Initiative. The self-confident male catfolk Tacuco and competitive male tielfing Kairut Salmong act as the announcer duo of the stadium.
  • Nija Library - a large library established by Shah Nija as part of the introduction of the Nizam System. While not officially a school, the library holds lectures and classes. Many Nizams-to-be are trained here. The head librarian is Niyore Springflow, an even-tempered female gnome.
  • Broken Rock Inn - an inn owned by a pair of cyclopses, both brothers and former adventurers, named Fortsmasher and Windtamer. The Broken Rock Inn serves coffee and tea during the day, but once the sun goes down, they start serving alcohol. The bartender of the joint is a svelt and jovial dragonborn woman named Vyradrish Arema.


Kesatolia began as a mining encampment of the Tyfilian Empire in 655 MT. At this time, it was known as Kalzatomar, meaning “Earthen Heart” in Middle Tyfilian Infernal. In the 660s MT, magical ores were discovered in the encampment, bringing a boom of residents and business. At this time, much of the manual labour was done by slaves of the Empire.   Some time after the establishment of Kalzatomar, the agender half-orc scholar Abarja Valgus noticed that the crop yield of the Karrai Terraces had lessened, and that many crops had been damaged. They eventually discovered the cause of this to be runoff from the mines situated near modern-day Kesatolia. They petitioned Empress Elhyseos I to do something about it, and eventually, she relented, and ordered the construction of the Valgus Dam in 670 MT. A town sprung up around this dam, and became known as Sum.   After ending the Mad Emperor’s War and being crowned the Emperor of Tyfilion, Emperor Arslan Algenos moved the capital of Tyfilion from Linhidos to Kalzatomar, where he was a satrap. The dynasty that Arslan founded, the Algenos Dynasty, ruled over Tyfilion for the rest of the Empire’s existence. As Kalzatomar grew, Arslan’s descendants renamed the city Arsalanan in his honour.   In 1071 MT, Emperor Zarmenos Algenos came to power. His reign was noted for his uncaringness for the people at the expense of his own ostentatious lifestyle. As such, he became known as Zarmenos the Avaricious. It is unknown whether this event occurred before or after the start of his reign, but at some point, Zarmenos made a pact with the archdevil Asmodeus in exchange for exorbitant wealth. When Asmodeus came to collect his side of the bargain in 1080 MT, Zarmenos refused the devil, using some form of magic to prevent Asmodeus from gaining what he wanted. Enraged, Asmodeus punished Zarmenos by transforming all humans with Tyfilian blood, apart from the imperial family, into tieflings. This became known as the Night of Torrid Blood. However, Zarmenos was uncaring about what happened to his people, instead insisting on a raise in taxes to make up for what was lost in the grief of the people’s transformation. Enraged, the people rose up. This became known as the Algenos War.   In 1106 MT, the Revolutionaries finally broke through the walls of Arsalanan. The siege caused much of the city to burn. Zhalita, one of the leaders of the revolution, confronted Zarmenos. She bound him with chains and stabbed him through the neck with her dagger, finally ending the Algenos War after 26 years. Zhalita and Hadyanos, the Revolutionaries’ other leader, married a month later, marking the end of the Empire of Tyfilion and the establishment of the Arduli Dynasty . To distance themselves from association with the Algenos dynasty, Arsalanan was renamed to a modern pronunciation of its former name - Kesatolia.   During the early Crisis of the Chains in 1304 MT, the Seiriqine and Mormori wrestled for control over Kesatolia. Eventually, the Mormori won the struggle using cannons received from Pelavayan.
Founding Date
655 MT
Alternative Name(s)
Kalzatomar, Arsalanan, The Beating Heart, the City of the Paragons
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Yurii Nikolaiko
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