2022/07/13: Returning The Emerald Lantern Report

General Summary

Knight, Sith, Ruby, Malakai, Sunderfury, Eldrin, Kenju, Reela Su   Malakai did some testing with the Emerald Lantern and a root. He knocked himself out and somehow made the root staff magical and glowy.   The group freed Sith and the fox people from the soul gem. We took them back to their village. We got some rewards from them, including a major favor for the future, and then went to visit the Unicorn Clan with the Emerald Lantern. There, a very old man sacrificed his soul to it to protect his clan’s territory from the demonic incursions and planar issues.   Then we went to Hoard, looking for the Black Samurai. Apparently General Kigachi was killed in an ambush, likely by the Scorpion Clan. The town has clearly been under siege and badly bombarded. We were brought to the Black Samurai by a very fast ninja guy.   The Black Samurai said this could be the end of the war and his troops just needed to hold out for a few more hours while we and the Samurai went to go do something with the lamp. We killed about 80 ninja assassins in the tunnels under the city.   We met up with a woman in a tent outside the city. She and the Black Samurai kissed passionately, and then she used the Emerald Lantern, with lasers flashing off in all directions and then the lantern consuming her. Just before she burned away, she looked lovingly at the Black Samurai and said “Next time.”   Then everybody went to get magic tattoos at the fox village.

Missions/Quests Completed

The Search for the Emerald Lantern

Character(s) interacted with


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