Reela Su

Reela Su

Lithe, sneaky fox girl living in a hidden fox village in Shinkitsu Forest in northwest Shisui. Enjoys good tricks, but has plenty of restraint and is pretty friendly. Helped the Shadows of Existence find the Chasm of the Lost and fight various threats on Shisui, often from Sith's pocket.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Reela Su grew up in a village of fox spiritfolk in the magical Shinkitsu Forest of Shisui. In the summer of 23 ARL, while adventuring outside the forest, she came into conflict with the Jade Phoenix organization. They managed to steal or otherwise acquire her ancestral wakizashi and were making headway in hunting her down, climaxing in them detonating an outgoing ship she'd stowed away on.   She managed to escape the explosion and disappear into the waves, then sneak aboard a nearby ship that was heading back towards the port. Unfortunately for her, it was a ship crewed by adventurers, and she was seen and caught as soon as she climbed in the porthole. Fortunately for her, this group of adventurers was the Shadows of Existence, and they proved immediately sympathetic to her plight.   The Jade Phoenix was in ruins by the end of the day, and Reela had retrieved her wakizashi. She subsequently signed on as a guide for the adventurers in their journey through the Shinkitsu Forest, and she ended up accompanying the party through most of the rest of their adventure on the continent. She spent much of that time fighting from Sith's pocket, taking advantage of his magical protections and his collection of wands and other offensive items. When the party returned home, Reela did the same, now armed with magical experience, a copy of the lightning wand she favored, and plenty of amazing stories.

Lithe, sneaky fox girl living in a hidden fox village in the spirit woods of northwest Shisui. Enjoys good tricks, but has plenty of restraint and is pretty friendly. Helped the SoE find the Chasm of the Lost and fight various threats on Shisui, often from Sith's pocket.

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