Gork the Half-orc


An extremely muscular (if not particularly bright) half-orc fighter from the city of Ashington.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Hideously strong, very tough, and not too preoccupied with dodging.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gork was living in the lower-class areas of Ashington in late 23 when he was lured in and abducted by a cult in indirect service to Necrosa. He was used as a test subject for one of the cult's cybernetic supersoldier devices: The invasive construct was designed to massively increase the subject's muscle mass and adrenaline, and Gork was chosen to see how high it could be tuned without the subject immediately dying. He was implanted and set loose.   Terana DelGarrod's adventuring party, visiting from Renedge on a mission to defeat Necrosa's plans on Halloran, noticed the hapless Gork and the Necrosa-tech device buried in his shoulderblade. They managed to calm Gork down and conduct impromptu surgery to remove the device and save him. Gork decided to tag along with his new "bosses" and helped them destroy at least one Necrosa cult hidden within the city.


By all appearances, not much. Gork did receive some rudimentary combat training from Terana and Kal'vus in December of 23 ARL, upgrading him from the extremely rudimentary "hack and slash" swordfighting technique he was using before.

Intellectual Characteristics

Dumb, straightforward, and generally well-meaning, though not opposed to well-deserved violence.



Gork speaks in semi-broken common. "Gangers down by the 7th. They've been chantin' and stuff."
Current Status
Helping Terana's party with threats around Ashington
Current Location


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