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The Leader of the Fennec Foxes Eaglecry (a.k.a. Emocry)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Eaglecry is a small scrawny fennec fox.

Facial Features

Eaglecry's skull is completely visible. He bares no emotions, only in his eyes. He has a scar over his left eye, which was given by Rider.

Identifying Characteristics

Eaglecry is the only fennec fox who has bits of his skeleton showing.

Physical quirks

Eaglecry's front right arm is missing its fur completely. Eaglecry is missing his tongue, so he can't speak nor eat.

Special abilities

Eaglecry has consumed Fern's plant and is capable of mindcontrol, at the cost of his fur. Slowly the "gift" eats away at him.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Eaglecry was chosen to become the next leader for his colony at birth. Purely because Cactusfire had been pressured by the elders to chose a successor and Eaglecry was the runt of his litter. No one like Eaglecry. Cactusfire was bitter about having a stinky child follow him around, older fennec foxes were jealous that their child hadn't been chosen, the elders disapporved of a weakling for leader, and foxes Eagle's age were mad that they hadn't been chosen.
Eaglecry often went on long walks alone to escape the glares and whispers. One day he came across a mysterious giant tree. Inside the tree he met Fern, who taught him how to use the tree sap to mindcontrol animals. He first tried it out on his sister, one of the only foxes who liked him, and proudly showed off to Cactusfire, who he promptly killed.
Eaglecry became the Leader of the Fennec Foxes. He slowly began to mindcontrol more of his colony, and slowly began to lose his fur. Eventually, Eaglecry faked his death and appointed a new leader, who he mind controlled.
When Rider met his colony, Eaglecry tried to mindcontrol her, only for Rider to break free and scratch him in the face. Eaglecry was furious, but Fern remained unfazed, telling Eaglecry it was time to go to the other contient. Eaglecry convinced the colony by claiming that the leader had recieved a prophecy: "The time has come to return to our roots."
On the other continent, Eaglecry and Ember met and joined forces. Together they tricked Scorpion into


Eaglecry has absoluetly no interest in pursing love. He's too busy trying to mindcontrol everyone.


Eaglecry was taught by his presuccessor, Cactusfire. Later Fern taught him how to mind control animals.


Eaglecry is the Leader of the Fennec Foxes

Accomplishments & Achievements

Eaglecry outsmarted Cactusfire, and gained control of the colony.

Failures & Embarrassments

Tripped on a rock, fell on his face and actually died.



Eaglecry doesn't speak. Instead he mindcontrols a fox (usually his sister), to speak for him.




Towards Eaglecry





Towards Fern




Eaglecry always looked up to the Half-Spirit that gave him his "gift". He never once doubted Fern, and did exactly what he was told. Eaglecry was loyal until the bitter end.

Shared Acquaintances

Ember, Bloodpuddle.

The only hint of emotion was in his eyes, which were permently slitted and had a glint of annoyance.
Eaglecry was created partially because I thought Fennec Foxes were very basic, hence the reason he is half-skeleton.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Leader of the Fennec Foxes.
Circumstances of Birth
Eaglecry chosen at birth to become the next leader of his colony
Circumstances of Death
Eaglecry had become just a skeleton, and tripped on a rock and broke himself when he fell. Because he SUCKS.
The desert
Place of Death
The desert
Current Residence
The desert
Dark yellow, which are always slitted
Pale beige
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
He bares a single scar, on his skull above his left eye, given by Rider.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"It's not a phase mom! Let me mindcontrol animals!" >:(
The Fennec Foxes' god & Her

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