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Daughter of Willow Fern

Divine Domains

Fern created a prision for all her failures. A dark murky place with black liquid that goes up to your paws when you stand, but seem endless if you dive down. If one manages to keep swimming down for long enough, they would find themselves in a similar looking prision, which has countless of dead plants floating in the water. Fern's second prision is home to Flicker, Ash's daughter and the Half-Spirit of fire. Only Spirit or a Half-Spirit can leave and enter this prison


Fern created a spellbook that is used to aid her followers with doing her bidding.

Physical Description

Facial Features

Fern has large green doe-like eyes that animals that are possessed by her tree sap also have. She has a marking of a small leaf on her forhead, representing how she is the Half-Spirit daughter of Willow. When Fern returns to Renta she has a pair of tall antlers that look like a dead thorn bush, and a dark green slash over her leafmark.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Fern was a half-spirit deer born to Willow, the spirit of flora. Willow never had enough time for Fern, as she was too busy helping Starpelt keep the animals of Renta in order. Most animals made fun of Fern, saying how ridiclous it was that a Spirit didn't care for her daughter. Fern discovered that the Spirits had a script that was used to write the fates of all the animals on Renta. She was furious that her life could have been written to be better, but instead they gave her a life of neglect and bullies. Fern vowed to destroy what Starpelt and her mother created, and began to help animals break out of their written paths and help her.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Before the Spirits left Renta to live in the Stars, Fern planted a tree thats sap can be used to mind control animals. She also hide some magical items in a cave in the Saphire Mountains, hoping that one day a follower of hers can use them.
Fern also beat Flicker the Half-Spirit, and as promised she recieved Flicker's gift of Fire, which she gave to Ember.

Failures & Embarrassments

Fern had many failures in her eyes. A tiger who murdered many of his own species, and refused to keep killing afterwards, a lynx who was jealous of her brother, and was going to kill her family, only to realize that they did care for her, and refused to do what Fern ordered, a fox whose brother was killd by a lynx, who ended up forgiving the animal, against what Fern wanted wanted her to do, a lion who refused to stand by and watch other prides burn so he could rise from the ashes and become more powerful, a bear who was satisfied with the power she had over Bear Clan, and refused Fern's offer to get more, a fennec fox who felt too weak to lead her colony, but refused Fern's "gift" once she realized that it was only a curse, and a wolf, who she had promised could become powerful by becoming leader of the most infuential pack of the forest to get revenge on her past lover, only to realize that she didn't want power, only her love.
Finally, Bloodpuddle, who Fern had given him chance after chance, only for him to die over and over. He only gave her satisfaction when she stabbed him through the chest, and flinging him into her prison, where the rest of her "failures" resided.



Mentor (Important)

Towards Bloodpuddle




Follower (Vital)

Towards Fern




Fern approached Bloodpuddle when he was simply known as "Puddle", and was a sad little wolf, who felt under-appreciated. She took him under her wing and guided him to become the most terrifying animal Renta had ever known. Unfortunetly Bloodpuddle failed to kill his brother, dying in the process. Fern was ready to let him rot in the prison that the Spirits made for him, only for Bloodpuddle to convince her to give him a second chance. Fern told Ember to revive Bloodpuddle, only for Bloodpuddle to be killed yet again by Moonmist and Lilac. Finally, when Fern herself returned to Renta, she let Bloodpuddle be revied for the second time, so she could kill him herself, and chuck him into her prison of failures.

Shared Acquaintances

Ember, Eaglecry.



Towards Eaglecry





Towards Fern




Eaglecry always looked up to the Half-Spirit that gave him his "gift". He never once doubted Fern, and did exactly what he was told. Eaglecry was loyal until the bitter end.

Shared Acquaintances

Ember, Bloodpuddle.


Follower (Important)

Towards Fern




Mentor (Important)

Towards Ember



Shared Acquaintances

Eaglecry, Bloodpuddle

"Do you believe in free will?"
Divine Classification
Current Status
Currently attempting to break the world free of the script of Starpelt and rule it as her own.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Fern orders her followers to only refer to Fern as "Her" to not make the Spirits catch on. Her more offical titles include: "Fern the Half-Spirit" and "Daughter of Willow."
Current Residence
The Stars
Large green doe-like eyes
Other Affiliations

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