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The Spirits of the Stars Starpelt (a.k.a. Lupine of Stars)

Starpelt is a Spirit. Once the nine Spirits left the physical world, she created a script to help her manage the timeline and create events for the animals of Renta. A tiger once went of script, and was a big hand in making his spieces go extinct. After that Starpelt had saftey measures incase any animal were to go off script again. A wolf named Bloodpuddle eventually broke free from her script, and once she banished him to a afterlife of lonliness, Starpelt decided to never sleep in order to keep everything under control in her script. Only when Fern was on Renta did she decide to leave the fate up to her animals, clearly she wasn't doing good enough of a job. When Fern was dealt with, Starpelt decided to stop controlling the lives of Renta and let them chose their destinies. She spent the rest of eternity guiding souls to the Stars, starting with Lilac.

Divine Domains

Starpelt lives in the Stars, although used to live on Renta, but found it hard to control the animals when she lived there.


Starpelt is one of the Spirits celebrated on Spirit day.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Starpelt's goal is to make sure Renta is as perfect as possible.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nobody knows the origin of Starpelt. Not even the other Spirits. They believe she was created along with Suneyes, Mooneyes, and Aira. Like all of Renta believes.

Gender Identity

Although Starpelt is no longer tied to natural being's laws, she still choses to be a female.


Starpelt never felt like she had to find love. She was always too busy. Maybe one day when Renta was perfect and she no longer had to worry she'd find love..

Accomplishments & Achievements

Starpelt created the universe.

Failures & Embarrassments

Starpelt failed to keep the animals of Renta under her control multiple times. Most notably when a tiger murdered a large amount of his spieces, being one of the main factors for making them excinct, her Script saftey net not catching Bloodpuddle and causing a lot of death, Bloodpuddle reviving, and Fern reviving. Starpelt also forgot to bring Lilac to the Stars once she died. Whether Starpelt was distracted by Bloodpuddle and simply forgot, or if Fern had a play in the situation, Lilac was left on Renta as a ghost for nearly 100 years/

Mental Trauma

Before Starpelt became a god she witnessed the deaths of all her siblings. In efforts to keep their souls alive she based the eight Spirits off of them.   Once Bloodpuddle broke free of her script, Starpelt became terrified that another animal would slip through her saftey net, and decided to never sleep in order to make sure that the script is constantly taken care of.

Morality & Philosophy

Starpelt believes that her animals have free will. She thinks that since they don't know she's making their path that they have control of their lives.

Personality Characteristics


Starpelt despretely wants things to be perfect, and will do whatever it takes to get there.

Representation & Legacy

Most animals of Renta still worship Starpelt. Although the humans don't worship her, Starpelt's constellation, the Lupine of Stars, is one of the most iconic constellations of the Renta night sky, but they don't know its origin.



Starpelt sometimes pauses in the middle of sentences, trying to figure out what she should say next. She's very thoughtful with her words.
This is my last chance. Renta’s last stand. Go big or watch everyone suffer. Screw secrets. My world is at stake.
It's just you and me...
Divine Classification
Current Status
Keep Renta from turning into Earth
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Spirit of the Stars
Date of Birth
1st of January, 0000
Current Residence
The Stars
Completely navy, with a pale lavender ring separating her iris and scalera, and tiny stars in her irises.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
The colour of the galaxy, spanning from pitch black on her tail, to light lavender on her face.
Quotes & Catchphrases
“I’m giving the animals on Renta a chance to fight on their own.”
She's a god herself, but perhaps there's someone higher up that only she knows exist...
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
... Till the end of time.
Do you believe in freewill?

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Character Portrait image: by Ringetteskater


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