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The Moontribe


When the Moontribe was originally re-founded by Moonmist, it was under the control of one animal, who the past leader chose. After the War of Blood Moon, Leonard decided to transform government by making it a democracy. For every spieces apart of the tribe a representive is chosen to speak for thier struggles.

Public Agenda

To unite as many speices of animals under one group as possible, and try to keep the peace.


The idea of the Moontribe was created by a wolf named Bluestone, who although had good intentions at the beginning, had began to become more power-hungry as he went on recruiting; becoming more agressive when animals refused to join. The Moontribe started to crumble when Bloodpuddle and his forces attacked. In one last despretate attempt to keep his power, Bluestone tried convincing animals that he had spoken with the Spirits, and that they wanted the Moontribe to be created. Bluestone died when Bear Clan raided his camp. The original Moontribe became unstable when Bloodpuddle nearly killed Bluestone. The tribe's mistrust in Bluestone who claimed to have spoken with the stars led to them being disbanded. The original Moontribe was offically dead when Bluestone died.   100 years later, Moonmist saw how horrible the world was, and decided to try and fix it herself by reviving the Moontribe with better goals in mind. She and her best friend Nightshadow traveled across the continent in effort to recruit as many animals as possible. In the end, Moonmist showed the world how strong her tribe when she stood up to Bear Clan, and how passionate she is, by not forcing the animals of Bear Clan to be under her rule, but helping them become more peaceful.
When Bloodpuddle rose from the dead and demanded to become leader of the Moontribe, Moonmist refused. She attempted to deploy a peace-talk, which ended up with the forest being on fire.


Most animals in the Moontribe worship the Spirits.


Holly slowly began to teach animals of the Moontribe how to read human writing. Her students include: Rider, Dragonfly, Slush, Sunnyspirit, Dewdrop, Splash, Skylight, and Nightshadow.

Cosmological Views

Even though the majority of the animals of the old Moontribe had also believed in the Spirits, they were skeptical of Bluestone's despretate lies. Never before did an animal who was alive was able to speak with the Spirits. How was Bluestone the first?

Political Influence & Intrigue

Moonmist was capable of keeping religion out of politics. Claiming that if the Spirits themselves came down from the stars to scold her about something that the rest of the tribe approved of, she would demand a valuble reason as to why.
“I’ve seen it first paw. I saw fox be murdered in front of his mate and kit. I saw a fox get killed for pure pleasure. I saw my own kin try to avoid lynxes at the barn. I don’t want to see anymore foxes and lynxes suffer anymore. I want to do something about it."
Alternative Names
The Tribe
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories

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