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The Moon Pack

The Royal Family equivilent of the Moontribe.


There are two alphas, usually mates. Betas are the second in command. Packmates are usually the children of the alphas.


Moonmist founded the pack with Duststorm. They both became Alphas. Eventually, once Twilight had grown, she became their Beta. When Hurricane finally found peace, she and her brother Hurricane decided to join the pack. Although the pack (specifically Duststorm and Twilight) were wary of the new Omegas, they eventually earned their respect.
When Moonmist died, Duststorm took full control of the pack, despite Twilight's disapproval. He stepped down after a battle at Scorpion's base, and a heated arguement with Twilight afterwards.
Twilight became the new Alpha of the pack, alongside her mate, Dart. She made her littermate, Chase, her Beta. When Dart died during the final battle of the War of no Moon, Twilight asked Chase if he wanted to become her Alpha. Chase didn't accept the offer, telling her he was happy with the position he was in. Then Twilight asked Dragonfly, who refused, doubting his leadership skills and wantin time to recover from the war and lost of his friends without being responsible for a whole pack. Finally, Twilight asked Blue, who accepted. The two later became mates.
Moonmist had a strong connection with each of her packmates, it would hurt her to watch them die, but with the imposing threat that laid ahead of them, Moonmist knew she may lose some of her friends and family. But Moon didn’t let herself think about that. She thought about all the memories she had with her family. Meeting Duststorm, inviting Hail to the pack, asking Twilight to be their Beta. Moon felt at peace. She knew her pack was strong. She knew they could survive without her. They’ve been through so much, and were strong.
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