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The Mystery of Absolom Station – Session Two Report

General Summary

Session two starts with the interrogation of the captured Space-Goblin, Dirk.
Most of what you learned from Dirk is shown on the handout: Absolom Station. You are a little disturbed that Dirk uses the term “vessels” for the unconscious refugees. Dirk’s task is to strip the vessels of any clothes and items and then place them into one of the tanks. The clothes and items are dumped into the waste disposal vat. When the tank is finished with the vessel, the Space-Goblins remove the vessel and place it on one of the cots.
Since one of Dirk’s primary activities is avoiding the Slaad, he isn’t sure how many Slaad are on the station. Space-Goblin rumor is there are about a dozen Green Slaad, a dozen Red Slaad, and a dozen Blue Slaad. It’s hard to tell, Space-Goblins are too busy cringing and groveling to distinguish between individual Slaad. The spaces used by the Slaad are avoided by the Space-Goblins. Interactions with the Slaad invariably take two forms, one where the Space-Goblin gets splattered on the walls and floor or, two the Space-Goblin gets some really shitty task to perform. Dirk is prefers to avoid both being messily murdered and any form of work.
The Space-Goblins have a laboratory of sorts. This is where they “invent” things, kind of like using duct tape to secure a combat knife to a Roomba. The laboratory is a bit of mess right now. Churgas will be missed by everyone he owed money. (There was a fire/explosion in the lab while Churgas was “inventing” something.) Dirk is happy he didn’t lend Churgas any money.
Space-Goblins “build” robots who fight in a pit in the Space-Goblin recreation room. Dirk explains at great length all the various kinds of betting that take place, along with occasionally bumping a rival into the fighting pit.

After extracting this wealth of information from the captive the Heroes then planned their next moves. The decision was to move to explore /capture the Teleportarium.

The first encounter was in the junk room with red barrels scattered amongst the junk. The astute Heroes identified the creatures hiding in the junk room as low-level elemental creatures called Magmin. The Magmin were dispatched at long distance with arrows and spells, so the creatures death-burst explosion and secondary barrel explosion did not present any real hazard to the adventurers.
Interesting find in one of the lockers: A potion which restores a First Level Spell Slot.
Interesting find in one of the lockers: A small manual titled – Mutations: It Could Happen To You.
In the next room, a Green Slaad and a Spectator were waiting when the doors opened. The Green Slaad took something key-like from on of the control panels and then exchanged fire-balls with the party. The Green Slaad quickly tired of being swatted by J’aboc’s hammer and fled through the eastern door. Three B-9 robots entered the room from the southern archway and proceeded to zap J’aboc. The fight with the robots continued a little longer with the Heroes learning these robots seem to be resistant to Fire damage and Immune to Lightning damage. The robots did not display any resistance to being bashed by a large enchanted hammer or shot by magic arrows and were vanquished by the Heroes.
The Heroes investigated the consoles in the Teleportarium control room and didn’t learn much. The console the Green Slaad was at did not display any changes when any of the buttons, knobs, levers or sliders were moved, causing the Heroes to decide the Green Slaad ran off with the key. There was a picture above the console of a rocky landscape with a weird colored sky, which sort of matched Dirk’s description of the outside of the station.
The Heroes continued their explorations south into the B-9 repair room, where they encountered B-9 robots being repaired by Spiderbots. After squashing some Spiderbots, the party observed more Spiderbots appearing to continue repairing the B-9 robots and haul away the broken Spiderbots.
At this point, a message is broadcast thoughout the station: Githyanki war cruiser is boarding the station. Report to surface battle stations.
The Heroes explored the Teleportarium but did not find the Green Slaad. They chose not to enter the pulsing energy field of the Teleportarium.
Continuing to explore, the Heroes found a dead end and decided to rest, wanting to recover spell slots and hit points. This is when they realize they don’t feel hungry. They are able to take a short rest by consuming rations, but they were not able to take a long rest.
Retracing their path, they return to the room where they left Dirk, and quizzed him again. Hergatz wanted to know if the Space-Goblins had any means to block a passage way, hoping to isolate the Heroes from the Slaad. Dirk replied, No he didn’t know anyway to block one of the hallways. When pressed again by Heratz, Dirk had the brilliant (for a Space-Goblin) idea of mushing all the vessels into a paste and then letting it freeze or harden to block the hallway.
The Heroes also intuited /learned that recovery of hit points, and spell slots is achieved through alchemical potions. So they explored to investigate the Alchemy laboratory, which Dirk had singled out as very dangerous. The Heroes saw the Space-Goblin robot fighting pit and glanced inside the fighting robot build room. Opening the door to the Alchemy lab, the Heroes all saw a large (12 foot tall) construct wielding dual greatswords that seemed to have a fire elemental riding on it’s back. The Heroe’s promptly ran away and were not pursued since it was nearly 7pm.

Rewards Granted

Several Healing Potions
One potion which restores a First Level Spell Slot. (note only effective in the Astral Sea)
Potion of Thunder Resistance
Manual-- Mutations: It Could Happen To You.

Character(s) interacted with

Dirk the Space-Goblin
Green Slaad
B-9 Robot
RoD Campaign
Ryker Durune
Lawful Good Hill Dwarf (Acolyte)
Cleric 1
13 / 13 HP
Rilitar Scintillia
Ferzith Cortellion
Neutral Good Human ()
Bard 1
10 / 10 HP
Report Date
28 May 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Plots


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