Princess Xena Eilline Draewynn

Princess Xena Eilline Draewynn (a.k.a. Doll)

Princess Xena Eilline Draewynn, the firstborn daughter of King Xaverius Draewynn and Queen Aillsa Draewynn, carries herself with an air of delicate poise mixed with a quiet intensity. She is a young woman born into a world where the stakes are always high, and the weight of her lineage rests heavily on her shoulders. To her, every step is a calculated move in a grand game she has yet to fully understand, but one in which she knows she must excel. She has been raised in the fortress city of Aillar, where the walls are as much a testament to her mother's military acumen as they are to the resilience expected of those who bear the Draewynn name.   The expectations of her mother, Queen Aillsa, have always been a defining element in Xena's life. Aillsa, a warrior through and through, raised her daughter with a strict hand and a relentless focus on discipline and duty. For Xena, pleasing her mother is more than just a desire; it is a need, a core part of her identity. She has grown to understand that her actions reflect not just on herself but on the entire family and the legacy they are building. Each lesson, each word of advice from Aillsa, is taken to heart, viewed not as criticism but as a guidepost toward the honor and pride she seeks to bring to her family. Still, there are moments when Xena's heart aches for a simpler life, free from the burdens of royalty. She envies her siblings and other children who have tasted more freedom, moments unburdened by the weight of expectation.   Her relationship with her father, King Xaverius, is markedly different. Compared to his interactions with her siblings, Xaverius seems to tolerate Xena’s presence more, even showing rare signs of affection that others might mistake for favoritism. Xena clings to these moments, seeking his approval in a way that sometimes makes her appear overly attached. To her, a simple pat on the head or a moment of his undivided attention is a treasure worth more than gold. She understands that her father is a master of manipulation and political intrigue, and she hopes that, by staying close to him, she might learn the subtler arts of ruling a kingdom.   Loyalty and duty are cornerstones of Xena's upbringing, shaped by both her mother’s martial philosophy and her father’s strategic mind. In her young heart, these concepts are not just abstract ideals but living tenets to be practiced and embodied. Her loyalty is layered: first and foremost to the Crown, then to the kingdom and its people, and finally to Sparrow, the trickster deity whose influence she subtly acknowledges. She understands that knowledge is power, and loyalty, when wielded correctly, can be a weapon more potent than any blade. The relatively harmonious relationship between her parents compared to the other queens gives her a balanced, if somewhat naive, view of loyalty and duty—a blend of unwavering commitment and tactical adaptability.   While her mother is a warrior, Xena herself has chosen a different path. She possesses a natural charm that makes her well-suited to the more refined arts, a sharp contrast to the martial prowess expected by many. She walks a path of diplomacy, charisma, and, potentially, deception. Though many expected her to take up arms and continue her mother’s legacy, Xena has always had a talent for the subtler arts of court life—persuasion, influence, and the power of a well-timed smile or word. It is through these softer, yet equally potent, forms of power that she hopes to carve out her place in the kingdom.   Her views on her father’s other queens are shaped by her loyalty to her immediate family. While Xena remains respectful and polite, she sees the other queens as little more than adornments to the king's court—advisors at best, but not essential. She prefers to stay close to her mother or siblings when they are around, often finding comfort in their presence or hiding behind her father when necessary. To her, the other queens are distractions from the true purpose of rule and governance.   When given the choice between strengthening her family’s power or carving out her own path, Xena finds herself torn. She understands the importance of family unity and the strength it brings, especially under her mother's constant reminders of her future as a queen. Yet, the idea of a life lived by her own rules, free from the chains of expectation, is a persistent daydream that haunts her moments of solitude. She is young and caught in the conflict between duty and desire, tradition and independence.   In the face of Varanthia's ongoing political and military conflicts, Xena tries her best to stay informed, though the depth of these adult conversations often eludes her. She knows enough to understand the tensions between Varanthia and Eryndor, the deep-seated animosity rooted in history, and the looming threat of the Imperial Core. Her role, as she sees it, is to learn and observe, to prepare for the day when she might have to make decisions of her own that could alter the kingdom’s fate.   Balancing royal duties with personal desires is a challenge that Xena faces daily. While she strives to maintain a composed and elegant demeanor, there is a side of her that yearns for more. She indulges in games of chance, her attachment to luck-based games revealing her inner conflict between duty and desire. She hides this side from most, revealing it only to those closest to her, who see her not just as a princess but as a young woman grappling with her place in a world that demands much and gives little.   Xena views the legacy of the Draewynn family as one forged in blood, sacrifice, and unwavering willpower. It is a legacy she wishes to uphold, to bring about a new era of greatness for her kingdom. She sees herself as a future ruler, a queen who will continue the work of her parents, perhaps with a touch of her own flair for the arts and subtle manipulation. She understands that ruling is not just about strength but also about playing the long game, where wit and charm can be just as effective as a sword.   Aillar, the fortress city ruled by her mother, holds a special place in Xena's heart. To her, it is more than just a bastion of military strength; it is a place of warmth, beauty, and artistic subtlety amidst its rugged exterior. She sees it as a testament to the balance of power and grace, much like the ideals she hopes to embody. Xena takes pride in the strategic importance of Aillar, recognizing it as both a shield for the kingdom and a symbol of the Draewynn bloodline’s strength and ingenuity.   Xena Draewynn is a young princess caught between two worlds—the structured rigidity of her mother’s warrior ideals and the strategic cunning of her father’s rule. She is a child of the Draewynn dynasty, and though her path is not yet fully forged, she walks it with a careful step, ever mindful of the shadows that dance at the edges of power.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Princess Eilline has a petite figure and very feminine figure. Her skin is pale and soft, marked only by Sparrow's symbol in her left palm.

Facial Features

Her face is round and soft, with a small button nose and almost always flushed cheeks. Her big round green & yellow eyes always look up at others with curiosity and slight wareness, while her lips remain tightly closed and neutral. Overall her face was the primary reason she was given the nickname she has.

Identifying Characteristics

Her very long black hair, decorated with numerous bows and/or flowes is her most notable characteristic. Other than that, Sparrow's holy symbol can be found on her left palm, a sign of her service towards that Talon.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Eilline Draewynn was concieved the very first moment Queen Aillsa and King Xaverius were wed. Her birth came with complications and she was born premature at 33weeks, leading most doctors and her parents to believe she would not make it. Despite the odds, she managed to survive, proving to all that her tiny body and soul had the drive and desire to live on.   She continued to grow under the strict supervision and guidance of her mother and tenderness of her father, with minimal complications due to her birth. Despite the height of her mother, Eilline's growth stopped abdruptly,leaving her standing on 4'11", and with more soft and round characteristics and body figure. Due to her delicate appearance she got the nickname Doll by her Father, King Xaverius.   At still a young age she showed interest in more complex subjects as debates and poetry, despite the coaching of her family and teachers to take on arms. Few can disregard her natural talent in diplomacy and arts, especially when Eilline displays real passion towards that.


Princess Eilline joined the Crimson Coin Academy of Aillar district, along with other children of noteable and noble families. In her years there she was taugh numerous skills that can prove useful to her future as an advisor or ruler. She has recently officially graduated with honors.   Additionally, she was trained and privately tutored by people handpicked by her Mother and the King, furthering her education in both the mind and physical skill. Each day, the princess would strive to better herself, listening to her Mother's advices and feedback and following the path her tutors would lay for her.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

  • Sweets.
  • Quiet time.
  • Her books.
  • Learning new things.
  • Dad & mom.
  • Touching others.
  • Unecessary travels.
  • Unannounced visitors (Exception King Xaverius).
  • Being talked over.

Virtues & Personality perks

Princess Eilline may rarely smile,but her eyes are still looking at others with respect, treating them not as her inferior royal subjects, but as individuals with desires and needs of their own. Her quiet and composed personality can be alluring and intriguing, as her real power lays on her wits and sharp tongue.   She is very mindful of her ettiquete and actions, cute even, some may call her very demure.

Vices & Personality flaws

Despite her proper upbringing, Princess Eilline indulges into gambling and games, along with rare instances of sipping on alcoholic beverages. Her life has been sheltered, and thus far these are the only two vices she finds herself into.   Like others her age, she is struggling with grasping her place in the world, making her frustrated and short-tempered and overall emotional. The fact she was spoiled and pampered compared to other royal siblings of hers, is another flaw in her personality.


Princess Xena Eilline Draewynn


Towards Prince Xavier Draewynn


Prince Xavier Draewynn

Step-Brother (Trivial)

Towards Princess Xena Eilline Draewynn




Maid (Important)

Towards Princess Xena Eilline Draewynn



Princess Xena Eilline Draewynn

Princess (Important)

Towards Valentine




The relationship between Valentine and Princess Xenissa Eilline Draewynn began when Valentine was assigned as a personal maid to the princess. Over time, this professional relationship grew into a bond of trust and mutual respect. Valentine, having been with the princess for several years, has seen her through various stages of growth and development, from a sheltered young girl to a more mature and poised princess. Their relationship is rooted in the daily routines of royal life, where Valentine not only attends to Xenissa's needs but also offers her quiet support and guidance.   Princess Xenissa Eilline Draewynn values Valentine as more than just a servant; she sees her as a confidante and someone she can rely on in the often overwhelming environment of court life. Valentine, in turn, holds the princess in high regard, appreciating the young royal's kindness and intelligence. Despite the difference in their stations, their relationship is characterized by genuine care and loyalty.

Relationship Reasoning

The relationship between Valentine and Princess Xenissa Eilline Draewynn is grounded in mutual respect and the roles they play within the royal household. Valentine is responsible for the princess’s daily care, ensuring that she is properly dressed, groomed, and prepared for her various duties. However, their bond extends beyond mere duty. The princess values Valentine’s presence as a calming influence in her life, especially when the pressures of royalty become overwhelming. Valentine, on the other hand, finds purpose and pride in serving someone as promising and genuine as Xenissa.   Their relationship is also shaped by the expectations placed upon them. Xenissa is aware of the need to maintain appearances and fulfill her role as a princess, and Valentine’s support helps her navigate these challenges with grace. Valentine’s loyalty and discretion are crucial, as the princess often confides in her about personal matters that she would not share with others.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

While their roles in the royal court are vastly different, Valentine and Princess Xenissa Eilline Draewynn share a few key interests that help to strengthen their bond. Both have a deep appreciation for the quieter, more refined aspects of life. They enjoy spending time in the palace gardens, where Xenissa often reads or studies while Valentine tends to her duties nearby, occasionally sharing in conversations about books, poetry, or the arts.   Additionally, both value the importance of duty and loyalty. Xenissa’s commitment to her family and kingdom resonates with Valentine’s own sense of responsibility toward the princess. This shared understanding of duty creates a strong foundation for their relationship.

Shared Secrets

Over the years, Valentine and Princess Xenissa Eilline Draewynn have shared several personal moments and confidences that have strengthened their bond. One such secret is their occasional, secretive indulgence in games of chance. Despite the princess’s delicate and proper exterior, she enjoys the thrill of these games, and Valentine is often the only one present during these moments of indulgence. Valentine keeps this side of Xenissa's personality private, understanding that revealing it could undermine the princess’s carefully cultivated image.

Legal Status


Prince Xeric Draewynn


Towards Princess Xena Eilline Draewynn


Princess Xena Eilline Draewynn

Sister (Vital)

Towards Prince Xeric Draewynn



Princess Xara Draewyn

Step-Sister (Important)

Towards Princess Xena Eilline Draewynn



Princess Xena Eilline Draewynn

Step-Sister (Important)

Towards Princess Xara Draewyn



Prince Xarter Illian Draewynn


Towards Princess Xena Eilline Draewynn


Princess Xena Eilline Draewynn

Eldest Sister (Vital)

Towards Prince Xarter Illian Draewynn



Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
24th of Obber
Year of Birth
15740 10 Years old
Prince Xavier Draewynn (Step-Brother)
Princess Xara Draewyn (Step-Sister)
Green & Yellow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Porcelain white
Aligned Organization
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