
Bal is the Eshti name for the small, red star that is in a binary system with the larger, yellow-orange star Kal, around which Ashar revolves. It is revered or worshiped along with Kal under various different names and perceptions by the different cultures of Torvalen.


Bal provides little light or heat to Ashar, but enough to make a noticeable difference. It also influences tides and volcanism when it comes near Kal and Ashar in its extremely elliptical path. This orbit causes it to shrink in apparent size to just another star in the sky for 321 years and then grow to a fifth the apparent size of Kal in the next 321 years.


During the receding phase, the climate becomes generally cooler and there are lower tides and less volcanic activity, and in turn warmer with stronger tides and volcanism during the approaching phase. Bal is often called 'the wanderer' or 'the restless' as well as 'the awakener' in different cultures. The Eshtem call it the “Left Eye of Evran”. It is known as the 'Elder Brother' to the Ejdehan, who worship it along with Kal as the Brothers.


Cover image: by NASA


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