
Meaning ‘strong path’ in Apoxtl, Chicahuacohtli is a society of the Teotl Ucuriaztl, identified negatively with the @mahanara Bhimaksa among the Eshtem. The goal of Chicahuacohtli is to bring their teotl back to the height of his power, as he was shortly before and after the arrival of the Eshtem over seven hundred years ago. It is seen by many as driven by nationalism and cultural pride as it is by faith. Usually lower ranking members are gained from poor, disadvantaged Calmaxtec youth of the city slums who are nurtured and supported by leading members. Only later, after strong ties and indebtedness, are these members introduced to the bloody rites of the inner circle.


Membership is secret and illegal in the Kalmasan Samraj. However, many of the ranking members are also merchants, grown rich from both smuggling and legitimate trade. These prominent merchants, rich though they are, chafe at the lack of respect wealthy Calmaxtec still receive from the Eshtem aristocracy.


Chicahuacohtli is viewed positively by many poor Calmaxtec, especially urban Calmaxtec, who benefit from the organization’s charitable activities. It is because of this good will, mixed with fear and familial ties, that the Left Eye of Evran have been largely unsuccessful at infiltrating and uprooting the organization.


Though the United Temples deem Ucuriaztl a mahanara, Chicahuacohtli see him as a teotl who values and demands strength from his followers and rewards that strength with victory. However, Ucuriaztl is still not viewed favorably by many Calmaxtec, especially the more rural people, who follow less warlike teteo such as the earth teotl Cihuacoatl and the sea teotl Acuecueyolotl, among others who held sway before the rise of Ucuriaztl during the escalating wars between the ancient Calmaxtec city-states and then through the wars with the Eshtem invaders.



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