
The teteo are exani traditionally worshipped by many Calmaxtec cultures, particularly in the southern regions of Kalmasa. As outsiders, their true natures are a mystery to perhaps all but those who travel to their realms after death. Their relationships with their mortal followers are varied and complex, but there are some characteristics of these beings that are consistent.


Teteo, compared to other exotic spirits worshipped in Torvalen, tend to be more strict about proprieties and manner of worship. Prayers and offerings offered to more then one teotl at a time are rejected and often punished in some fashion.


The teteo do not seem to see themselves as part of a pantheon of divine beings, but as individuals who only tolerate the worship of other beings in addition to themselves. The blessings they have in their power to bestow are reserved mostly for those who are utterly devoted to them and their will.

There are exceptions however. Some of the teteo have formed relationships with each other, some equal, others subordinate. It is still a matter of debate among scholars wether these relationships preexisted the perceptions of their followers or resulted as a consequence. One notable example is the sea teotl Acuecueyolotl and the teteo of the three moons, Coyoxauqui, Ixtelchiltli and Ixtelcotictli. Acuecueyotl's followers call to her and the three moons within the same rituals as mother and her daughters. But what this maternal relationship means to these beings is unknowable.


There are dozens of teteo worshipped by the Calmaxtec, but only a few are truly prominent in power in the the world, in Tlaltipac. Aside from the teteo themselves, there are other spirits who serve them and carry out their will. These beings are collectively known as tlayecs. Their forms and abilities vary widely, but they are all servants of their respective teteo. Powerful Calmaxtec priests are able to communicate with them directly and even bring them bodily into Tlaltipac with the proper vessel.

Divine Classification
Exotic Spirit

Articles under Teotl


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