Dhun Sanctuaries

Sanctuaries are the political units of the dhun of Barendar. Sanctuaries are the sprawling communities in which dhun live. They are loosely governed by councils of elder dhun. Every few decades or as needed, councils from many sanctuaries will come together to discuss any significant problems or questions. For the most part, dhun are individualistic and the elder councils rule only with the agreement of the majority of their sanctuary. They are also responsible for dealing with diplomatic relations with foreign powers or individuals, though they usually use a younger dhun to translate and speak on their behalf, as high pitched sapient speech becomes more difficult as a dhun ages and elder dhun have little patience for the niceties of other races and can be very rude and dismissive when they are unimpressed with an emissary.


The dhun sanctuaries have relatively good relations with the governments of the surrounding lands. However, the dhun have no formal diplomatic agreements with any other government or nation. The dhun do not value such things, since they generally outlive those who make them and know such agreements are ephemeral, lasting only as long as the will for their existence lasts with both parties. Instead, the dhun stay eternally vigilant in protecting their forests against plunderers and settlers.


Outsiders traveling in dhun territories are not forbidden, but they are watched carefully by dhun guardians, collectively known as the Dholm, "Wanderers". Fire is tolerated, but purposely destroying live wood is forbidden. Hunting and gathering is also allowed, as long as it is not excessive. Mining has been allowed in the north, but only by the Yngir with whom they have a measure of trust. Traders, scholars and entertainers are welcomed in almost every sanctuary. Dhun do not need any anything that most traders have to offer, but they will pay highly for jewelry and artwork, or anything they deem beautiful or interesting, with which they decorate their garden homes and themselves. They also enjoy performances. Dhun usually make gifts of resins, fruits and seeds, deadwood of valuable trees and other valued items of their forests.

Geopolitical, Settlement
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Gift economy
Subsidiary Organizations
Neighboring Nations
Related Species


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