Lesser Telluri

Minor Telluri are the lesser telluri that originate in locales such as springs, hills, volcanoes, rivers, homes, villages and other physically or culturally distinct places, usually those that have existed for a very long time.


Minor telluri are usually harmless, acting in a hostile manner only if their domain is threatened by destruction or incessant interruption. Some minor spirits can speak to mortals, usually those with a long association with mortals. Those that can communicate will often attempt to do so, commonly to warn off an intruder or violator. If they are not heeded, they may resort to violence, using an array of powers specific to their origins.


A river telluran has command over the waters of its domain. A house telluran has the ability to manipulate objects belonging in their house and the structure of the house itself, angry ones have been known to toss objects around rooms or slam doors and windows in frustration.


Other names for these spirits include vultir among the Jolnir, wairua among the hakanu and tatva among the Eshtem. Societies throughout the world of Ashar have their own traditions of appeasement and gratitude to these spirits, and in extreme cases, traditions of confinement and banishment.

Divine Classification
Telluric Spirit

Articles under Lesser Telluri


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