
Telluri are those spirits originating from natural systems except those of individual living organisms. They are spirits of mountains, springs, forests, even continents, animal packs or villages. Communing with telluri is the realm of those such as shamans, witches or cunning men, who interact with lesser telluric spirits in relatively equal relationships.


Others, such as the Blue Warders, Grru'hrem M'hur, Uratik'k and Xoxicohtli are in communion with the greatest of the telluri, world spirits that encompass the connected life systems of large regions, even entire continents or seas. It is through these great spirits that these groups gain their powerful insight into and power over the workings of living things through contemplation and communing with the great telluri. Some of the great telluri recognized by mortals are Bright-Water, Arrik'tukli and Ehuatlaltipac.


Telluri, unlike elani or exani, do not have true personalities, although most mortals who commune with them and interact with them cannot seem to help but project personalities on to them and anthropomorphize them. But telluri are intelligent and possess self interest and will form cooperative relationships with those who are in alignment with their goals, which is primarily the structural integrity of the thing that gives them being. The closest relationships a telluran has with mortals is when it is the spirit of those mortals' community, be it an animal pack, village or hive. These types of spirits are the most adept at communicating effectively with mortals on their own level.

Divine Classification

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