
The Jolnir are humans native to Heimval, the largest and northernmost continent in Torvalen. Jolnir males range from six to eight feet in height and females are only slightly shorter. Though strong and courageous, many Jolnir have a quick temper and tend to be arrogant towards outsiders. Jolnir have pale to bronze skin. The eastern tribes usually have wavy, light blonde or auburn hair, with blue, green or violet eyes, while those of the interior and west tend to have dark brown or black, straight hair, bronze skin tones and green, hazel and brown eyes.


Jolnir societies and cultures vary greatly, from the feudal kingdoms of the south, southwest and northwest, the clan holds of the north east to the nomadic hunters and herders in the central tundra and northern mountains, as well as the Kalmasan province of Rotskjoldland in the southeast. Some degree of raiding is intrinsic to all Jolnir culture. They see little reason to trade as equals with those who they see as weak. Many traditional Jolnir believe that they should die with purpose, be it battling a foeman, raging sea or wild beast, or childbirth.


There are five main Jolnir tribes in Heimval: the Brynir, Skjoldir, Ostir, Thalkunir and the Vandir. Outside of Heimval, the second largest settlement of Jolnir lies in the lands of northern Barendar in the country of Yngheim, home of the Yngir.


Jolnir are generally distrustful of those who use magic, except for the most rudimentary semiotic magic that everyone does. They believe such power should be in the hands of those who serve the Gottir. Females practitioners are permitted, but only if they belong to a holy order, such as the Daenir, an order of practitioners who are oath-bound to the service of Ragna and the people, or the Saedir, servants of Thera, or servants of the other Gottir.


Males with the skill and desire to practice higher magic are treated with scorn at best and executed at worst in the less civilized societies. Because of their instant status as outcasts, many males who refuse to relinquish their talents leave their families to join the Skaltir, a society of itinerant traders, tinkers, entertainers and magicians that travel the length and breadth of Heimval. They follow Kynaz, gottun of knowledge and wanderers. The Skaltir are tolerated by the Jolnir peoples both because they bring valuable goods, news and entertainment, but just as importantly because so many are magicians with powers few would dare challenge.


The Daenir are a coven of female priestesses who wield great influence in most Jolnir societies, either directly or indirectly through the leadership. The Daenir are greatly revered, but there is a growing tension between the Daenir and the Skaltir since the Daenir have begun to see the Skaltir as a potential threat to their authority, especially since Skaltir groups have begun to settle and raise families, against the law for male practitioners in most Jolnir societies. Some Skaltir have attended magical colleges in Pranesh or Kalmasa and have founded their own small colleges in Heimval in these Skaltir settlements, most of which are in the Kalmasan province of Rotskjoldland.

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