
Vultir is the Jolnir name for the lesser telluri of Heimval, particularly the smaller spirits, those of springs, creeks, caves, fields, small woods, hills and other such local features and environments.


All Jolnir are taught to respect these spirits and their places and any Jolnir settlement, regardless of tribe or clan, will make offerings to those vultir known to reside near their communities. Even the nomadic Vandir and Skaltir peoples will leave general offerings in the places they make their camps.


It is well known that contented vultir benefit a community. Crops grow better, wells draw better and sweeter, accidents are less common. Vultir have been known as well to aid communities in defense against raiders or to hide or shelter villagers in need. Alternatively, angry vultir can make life miserable for those near them and stories speak of insect plagues, unaccountable rot and illness, drownings and sinkholes.

Though offerings are appreciated by vultir, like all telluri, what they most desire from mortal beings is the ability to see and think through a mortal being, to experience and be conscious in a way they are unable to on their own. Among the Jolnir, this is a special gift given to certain shamans, often those of the Daenir or Saedir orders, but just as often, wise men and women of a community. They are trained to allow vultir to join with their being without relinquishing all control.

Divine Classification
Telluric Spirit


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