
Magunir are large, powerful, Ornithischian herbivores native to the plains of Heimval. Males stand 2.3 meters at the shoulder with females only slightly shorter. They are characterized by large, bony fringes at the back of their heads. They also have long horns above each eye and a single horn on their snout.


Magunir have a double layer of thick, shaggy feathers with striped patterns of tan, brown and black. They have beaks on the ends of their wide muzzles with which they crop the grasses and shrubs.

Though they are not the fastest, magunir are very powerful as mounts and beasts of burden. However, only the Vandir tribes of the Heimval interior have learned the secret of taming and domesticating magunir. They use them as mounts and also to pull war chariots and wagons.


Wild magunir always prefer to run than to fight, but mothers will fight to defend their calves and the dominant bull in a herd will fight to defend his harem and calves. Magunir trained for combat will fight when controlled by a skilled rider. Magunir fight by lashing out with their horns, overrunning or delivering powerful kicks with their hind legs.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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