
The great northern continent of Heimval is known to be a forbidding place to outsiders. Heimval is the northernmost and largest continent of Torvalen, to the northeast of Volenar and northwest of Barendar. The native land of the fierce Jolnir is mainly rolling plains and tundra in the south. The north grows increasingly hilly and forested until the ranges of the Himlenbjerge Mountains that stretch east to west across the north of the continent. Great herds of various keratoplexan and ornithischian megafauna, predator and prey, range the wide grasslands. Two great peninsulas, Rotskjoldland in the southeast and Grunmark in the southwest form the great Gulf of Eltan.


In the northeast is Ostland, where live the clans of the Ostir. In the southeast, on the peninsula of the same name, is Rotskjoldland, a colony of the Kalmasan Samraj. The nomadic Vandir tribes occupies the vast inner plains and tundra of the Yfirland, at the middle of which are the massive post-glacial lakes Halvatun, Lokarvatun, and @guta. These lakes are fed by many rivers flowing from the north through the foothills of the Himlenbjerge, the product of glacial spring melt. They are a vast fertile, wooded oasis dividing the plains into east and west. They are the wintering grounds of all the Vandir tribes.


The Yfirland is bordered in the west by the Rygbjerge Moutains extending south from northeastern Heimval into Grunmark. In the southwest is the kingdom of Jonagval, spanning much of Grunmark and in the northwest lies the kingdom of Brynheim. The wild hills and mountains of northeastern Heimval are the home of the native drakir race while the hills and mountains of central and eastern mountains of northern Heimval are the domain of the savage ettnir.


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