Open Hand

Originating informally in Solkar by former Red Rock Commune mystics who felt those of their kind were too disconnected from the world and its troubles, the Open Hand society is officially an international organization devoted to the free dissemination of knowledge and the use of power for the common good.


Those with the expertise within in the society train members in the arts of high semiotics in addition to the esoteric discipline of skeptic magic developed by the Red Rock Commune.


In addition to apprenticing likely students, Open Hand members pay membership dues, which are used to supplement the cost of teaching and to fund Open Hand charities. Open Hand charities range from services such as making wards against vermin, divining weather for farmers, hunting down monsters or more mundane projects, such as building and maintaining schools and houses of healing in impoverished communities.


The public perceptions of the Open Hand varies among the populace. Some semiotic institutions, such as Vidvanya jen Dharmu and the To'ani caste schools of Kahala, look upon them as a threat, though some of their faculty and students are likely members. Other schools, such as the Volenaran League schools view them favorably and even partner with them on certain projects. Many of their professors are open members.


Many commoners have a deep respect and affection for the Open Hand, especially those who have benefited directly from their works. This fact has led to friction with the nobility and the religious establishment in Kalmasa who see them as a subversive threat to their own standing among the common folk, especially after their heavy involvement in the War of Sovereignty. They have not been banned in the Kalmasan Samraj yet, but professed members can expect shunning and hostility from the elite.


Open Hand recognize each other by way arcane marks that only other members can see through power granted in a special ceremony. They also recognize each other through hand gestures and phrases. The marks and gestures are changed periodically.

Social, Activist


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