Society of Bastards and Second Sons

The SBSS, as it is commonly known, was formed by Koren Malej, bastard son of a Eshtem minor lord and a Chol'ul house servant. Koren made a name for himself as a mercenary during the Northern Wars against the Jolnir of Rotskjoldland. He gained a reputation for keeping those under him alive and their pockets full and was soon the leader of a mercenary company named the Right Bastards. In a few short years, the Right Bastards were over a thousand strong, so large that they began to make the Kalmasan generals of the Samraji army nervous.


Seeing that making his main employer nervous was bad for business, Koren declared the Right Bastards disbanded and himself retired. In effect, the company was split into three separate companies commanded by his most trusted former lieutenants. Soon after disbanding the Right Bastards, he established the Society of Bastards and Second Sons, ostensibly as an organization to provide dues paying members death and dismemberment benefits and pensions that were transferrable to their dependents upon death.


These key assurances made for soldiers of fortune who were fiercely loyal and unafraid of the fortunes of war since they did not dread a fate of becoming a legless begger or leaving impoverished widows or children, as soldiers in the Kalmasan army feared.


In addition, the SBSS became a mercenary training school par excellence. Over the years, SBSS has become both a powerful school and terms negotiator between its member mercenary companies and potential clients. SBSS is headquartered in the free city of Jhargra on the northwestern coast of Kalmasa. Since the Treaty of Ekara was signed at the conclusion of the War of Sovereignty, SBSS has had its pick of applicants from unemployed, battle-hardened veterans with little interest scraping a living out of the ground or becoming mere brigands.

Military, Mercenary Group
Training Level

Cover image: by Árpád Feszty


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