Talani'i Alliance

The Talani'i Alliance is a loose confederation of the ethnically Talani'i tribes in southern Okaluan established for the defense of Talani against the might of the Kahala Empire to the north. The Alliance is composed of Kahorari, Rakikura, Tongakura, Maunarewanu, Awamahi and Tarukai'i tribes. Though the Kua are ethnically Talani'i as well, they are a subjugated people and are not part of the alliance.


Called Ruamakatalanu in the Kahorari dialect, the alliance's primary focus is the common defense of Talani. As part of that focus, the alliance also exists to settle intertribal disputes and to represent the Talani tribes during diplomacy with foreign powers.


The alliance is governed by a council of prominent kaiku chosen from among the ranks of all a tribe's kaikus. The council meets in the city of Na'kainga. Though there is no formal heirarchy within the council, members are deferred to in matters in which they are particularly well experienced, such as war or trade, and as in all of Talani'i society, those of greater age are shown greater deference.


The alliance was established after the shocking conquest of the powerful Kua tribe during the holy wars of the Purifying Fire. After this defeat, the remaining free tribes of Talani came together and established a peace between each other that allowed them to combine forces and defeat the encroaching Kahala'i decisively through a combination of their fearless warriors and powerful mana'aki ancestor magic.


Aside from successfully fending off threat from the north, the stability created by the alliance has also led to improved trade between tribes and clans as well as with foreign countries such as Volenar, Neztlalpan and the Kalmasan Samraj.

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