
Volenar lies in the northwest of Torvalen. It is separated from Heimval to the east by the narrow Vrede Sea. The wide Nui Sea separates it from distant Okaluan to the south. Volenar is the ancestral home of the ejdehan peoples and the adopted home of humans of mainly mixed Eshtem and Calmaxtec ethnicities, former Kalmasan colonists who joined forces with the ejdehan Nations to break free of Kalmasan rule during the War of Sovereignty and formed the Volenaran League.

Volenar is the smallest of the Torvalen continents and most of it is dominated by mountains that form vast plateaus in the deep interior. The east and west are narrow coastal plains. The elevation and ruggedness increases towards the northwest. These highlands make up three fifths of the continent.

The cantons of the Volenaran League lie in the fertile coastal plains and rolling hills in much of the east and south. Coastal dwelling ejdehan tribal nations are interspersed throughout this territory and are autonomous. Within the interior, the highland tribes that make up the bulk of the Ejdehan Nations reside mainly in the forested mountains and plateau meadows of the interior.


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