
Na'kainga is the largest city in the Talani'i Alliance, the Ruamakatalanu. It is within the territory of the Kahorari tribe, but the Alliance as declared it a free city with Kahorari's consent. Na'kainga began as a trading hub for the clans of the Kahorari, but grew quickly after the disasterous loss of the Kua Tribe and subsequently joining forces to repel further encroachment by the Kahala'i. It became the center of Talani'i culture and helped the tribes recognize and identify themselves as Talani'i instead of only by clan or tribe. The arrival of explorers from the nations of Kalmasa and later Volenar strengthened and enriched Na'kainga still further, giving the formerly isolated land of Talani an introduction to the outside world and sources of trade and wealth.


Na'kainga is now a trade city rivaled by few cities in Torvalen. The Talani'i, unlike their northern kin, are a gregarious people and have quickly played catch up joining the nations other nations of Torvalen.

Large city
Location under


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