
Talani is the ancestral land of the Talani'i hakanu in the southern lowlands of Okaluan, comprising the southeastern region of Okaluan. It is separated from Kahala Empire to the north by the wide Voa River. Talani faces the Torvalen Sea to the east and the Puru Strait and Mo’e Sea to the south. Its western border ends at the edge of the forbidding cloud forests of Nahele'opua.


The southeast region of Talani is more volcanically sedate, but large expanses of land lay upon geothermal springs and earthquakes are fairly frequent. It is relatively flat, with expansive coastal plains transforming into lightly forested rolling hills farther inland. Half of the southeast consists of the Wewari Peninsula and the Wewari Keys whose most southeastern key, Aloari, lies across the Puru Strait from the northwestern coast of Kemesh. The peninsula northern coast forms the southern coast of the Gulf of Na Anu'ko in which lies the large Talani port city of Na'kainga.


Within Talani is a loose confederation made up of many clans, the Talani'i Alliance. Strengthened by strong familial and cultural bonds, along with their powerful manaaki magic, the Talani'i have kept free from control and encroachment by the Kahala and incursions by the Kalmasan Samraj from the east.

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