
Golden One, Elder Father

Thalkun is gottun of the yellow sun, called Thal or Dal by the Jolnir. He is the progenitor, with Ragna, of all land life and with Thera, all water life in addition to the storm gottun, Eltan. He is also gottun of chieftains and war. It is against his laws, written on the blade of his right hand axe, Skendar, that Jolnir warriors measure their honor and merit. It is his left hand axe, Brennar, that will judge harshly those found wanting.


He is a demanding, stern spirit who values courage, honesty, strength and endurance. His great rival and brother, Kynaz features often in stories of Thalkun. The gottun of the red sun is portrayed as a cowardly trickster who always comes to a bad end and caught in his own designs against the doughty Thalkun and must run and hide again in the twilight that is his abode.


Thalkun is the patron of the clans and kingdoms of the Thalkunir tribe, who believe Thalkun walked amongst their ancestors as a man and fathered their tribal founder, Halspjar. Thus Thalkun is called by them Tuavater (Twice-Father). The shields and standards of their armies all bear in some form the sign of the crossed axes with the sun above them.

Divine Classification

Cover image: Sunrise over the Philipines by Jpogi - Wikimedia Commons


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