
All-Giver, First-Mother, Corpse-Eater

Ragna is the gottyan of the earth. She is the embodiment of the earth’s bounty. She is the giver of life and swallower of the dead. Impregnated by Thalkun the Golden, she gave rise to the beasts and peoples of Wolta. Ragna is the elder sister of Thera.


Though Thalkun is her consort, her greatest love and frustration is Kynaz the Wanderer. Normally calm and peaceful she quakes and frets at his coming. But he always leaves her in disarray, treasures stolen and secrets revealed, some of which it amuses him to give to his brother Thalkun’s children, the Jolnir. She is mother to the three moons, Vefa, Binda and Skulta by Kynaz.


In most Jolnir cultures, Ragna’s worship is led by her gyðjar, the Daenir, the women to whom she grants some of her power. They officiate at births, weddings, burials and hunting ceremonies in her name. They guard her traditions and enforce sacred law. They are reminders of Ragna’s all encompassing power over the living.


Ragna is represented in images by a large breasted woman with her hands placed over a pregnant belly. She is also represented by a skull with an ash tree bursting out of it.

Divine Classification

Cover image: Ragna's Rebirth by David Wood


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