
Revealer, Gloom-Piercer, Far-Sighted.

Kynaz is the gottun of knowledge, vigilance and secrets as well as cunning, trickery and theft. He is embodied by the red sun, Bal to the Eshtem. Kynaz is the first love of Ragna, who stole from her the knowledge of agriculture and metallurgy, which he then gave to her mortal children, the Jolnir. Some say out of spite, others with noble intent. With her he fathered the three moons, Vefa, Binda and Skulta.


After his deception, he sailed away from her before she could punish him and tried to take her daughters with him but they left him before straying too far. To this day they wander between their parents, attempting to balance loyalty. Kynaz returns to Ragna every few centuries, to be with her. Her excitement at his arrival delivers cataclysm to those who live upon her land.


Kynaz is the chief gottun of the wandering Skaltir clans. He is often represented by an eye viewed from the side, a blazing torch or a cloaked man with a broad brimmed hat holding a torch.

Divine Classification

Cover image: by NASA


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