The Changed

A few ulan, after learning about or coming into contact with the strange and wonderful lands of the surface, desire more than short forays into its wonders. Normal ulan physiology allows for only a short few hours outside of salt water before becoming exhausted and eventually suffering damage. They must also coat themselves in a thick mucous to retain their moisture for even that short period.


However, for those Ulan who request it, their ama may grant a special boon. She bites them with a special venom that permanently changes their physiology so that they may remain on the surface indefinitely.


The internal shell-like mantle beneath the dorsal part of their head-bodies grows down their back in a vertebral fashion. Rib-like processes extend from some of these sections to encase their bodies and support their organs. They grow lung-like air sacs and their gills become coated in protective mucus. Their rubbery skin grows thin, flexible chitinous plates. Their six locomotive tentacles become shorter and more muscular, ending in a pad of small hooks to aid in locomotion. Their suckers are absorbed into their body and disappear. To participate in the vocal communication of land dwellers, their siphon develops a syrinx through which they are able to produce a full range of speech sounds, though with a slight background buzz.


In exchange for this boon, the Changed are asked to share useful things they learn on the surface with the sea dwelling ulan, with whom they can communicate telepathically any time they are submerged within the sea through water-talk. Many act as traders, ambassadors and scholars for their amas.


The Changed can be found in nearly all major cities in Torvalen that will permit them, but the greatest number are found in the commune of Warm Chorus, in the wetlands of the Dhala in western Barendar.

Genetic Ancestor(s)


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