
Among Jolnir of Heimval, the sisterhood known as the Daenir (Handmaidens) are held in respect and fear by even the mightiest warriors. The Daenir are the spiritual heart of traditional Jolnir life for many tribes and clans, particularly those who depend on the land for sustenance. They perform many roles, such as healing, midwifing, blessing warriors and hunters and cursing enemies. Daenir women are chosen as girls who show higher than average intelligence. These children are taken away from their natural families, adopted by and raised in the home of a Daenir woman, unless the child was already born to a Daenir woman.


The Daenir are servants of Ragna, the Gottyan of the earth, motherhood and family, fierce in both love and anger. Like their gottyan, the Daenir are seen as selfless, sacrificing women fiercely devoted to their people and a scourge to those they consider enemies or traitors to the traditions of the people. Although they are all servants of Ragna, many Daenir are also trained by older Daenir women in their semiotic traditions which are heavily involved in weather and animal magic.


Their influence has weakened dramatically in Rotskjoldland since it was conquered and became a province of the Kalmasan Samraj, as well as in more urbanized, 'civilized' Rikja such as Brynheim and Jonagval.


There is a growing tension between the Daenir and the Skaltir since the Daenir have begun to see the Skaltir as a potential threat to their authority. Especially since Skaltir bands have begun to settle and raise families, previously illegal in many regions.


Some Skaltir have attended semiotic colleges in Volenaran League or Kalmasa and have founded their own colleges in Heimval, adapting the semiotic principles of what they’ve learned to their own unique traditions and styles.


There are rumors spreading of prophecies spoken by the Daenir that the day is drawing near when Ragna will punish those who have turned against her and her servants.

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Cover image: Ragna's Rebirth by David Wood


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