White Cliffs

White Cliffs is the northern most ejdehan nation in Volenar, located on the coast of the Frystan Ocean. The ejdehan of the White Cliffs are one of the Coastal Ejdehan, those nations whose way of life is adapted to the sea and coastlands. The people of White Cliffs are widely known as the most skilled in the ways of hval hunting. Taking advantage of the strong northern winds, they can soar far and wide, gliding on the winds in search of the giant sea beasts.


The White Cliffs broods make their homes in the sheer chalk cliffs that run along most of the northern coast of Volenar, in networks of elaborately carved caves that have been enlarged and extended over millenia. No one knows the full extent of this system, but it is vast, with hidden entrances to the plains above scattered over the landscape. These were key during the beginning of the War of Sovereignty, when the nation took in human rebels and refugees and hid them from the Kalmasan forces.


White Cliff Nation has a reputation for being a withdrawn people who have always kept to themselves over the generations, often not even sending a delegation to the great inter-tribal solstice gatherings or great councils. But since the War of Sovereignty they have formed more friendly relations with their neighbors, both ejdehan and human.

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