
Hval are air-breathing, warm-blooded aquatic keratoplexan animals native to the northern half of the Torvalen Sea and surrounding waters. They are believed to be related to the swift-snake, rostung and kalamaudha. Adult hval average 40 feet in length, females being slightly larger than males. Their backs are dark gray to black, lightening to white towards their undersides. Hval have longer snouts than rostung, with nostrils located near the base. Most species of hval have sharp, conical black teeth.


Hval swim by means of a large tail with a vertical fluke, like the rostung and kalamaudha. This propulsion is assisted by two rows of short, oar-like keratin spars that emerge from their keratoplex and extend halfway down their back. These oar spars and their front flippers enable them to maneuver through the water with great agility despite their size.


Hval normally live in groups of up to thirty individuals. Most species feed on fish, though some hunt other keratoplexans, such as rostungs. They are a food source for many northern people, both excultids and humans. Hunting them is a dangerous profession and these hvalers are held in high status, both for the dangers they brave and the abudance of food they provide with their kills.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Weight
45 tons
Average Length
40 feet
Geographic Distribution


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